Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

5?Ó BAXTER'S FIFTY REASONS. resolved that it should be now or never.- I do beseech you, yea, as his messenger, I charge you in his name, that you delay not an hour longer, but presently be resolved, and make an unchangeable covenant with God; and as ever you would have favour in the day of your distress, delay not now to accept his favour in the day of your visitation. O what a blessed family were that, who, upon the reading of this, would presently say, We have done ea ceeding fbolishlyy in delaying so great a matter so long; let us agree together to give up ourselves to God without any more delay. This shall be the day ; we will no lon- 6.er stay. Theflesh, and the world and the Devil, have had too much already. It is a wonder glpatience that path borne with us so long; we will abuse the patience of God no longer, but begin to be absolutely his this day. If this may be the effect of these exhortations, you shall have the everlasting blessing; but if still you delay, I hope I am free from the guilt of your. blood.. MACKENZIE & DENT; Pointers, NEWCASTLE.