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Chap. 12.] LIFE UPON EARTH. 199 men's common discourse to these more sublime and precious things! and, when men begin to talk of things unprofitable, that we could tell how to put in a word for heaven, and say, as Peter of his bodily food, " Not so, for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean!" O the good that we might both do and receive by this course!. Had it not been to deter us from unprofitable conversation, Christ would not have talked of our "giving an account. of every idle word in the day of judgment" Say, then, as the Psalmist, when you are in company, "Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer, not Jerusalem above my chief joy." Thenyou shall find it true, that a " whole- some tongue is a tree of life." 5. Endeavor, in every duty, to raise the affections nearer do heaven. God's end, in the institution of his ordinances, was, that they should be as so many steps to advance us to our rest, and by which, in subordination to Christ, we might daily ascend in our affections. Let this be thy end in using them, and doubtless they will not be unsuccessful. How have you been rejoiced by a few lines from a friend, when you outbid-mar sëe him face to facet And may we not have intercourse with God in his ordinances, though our persons be yet so 'far remote ? May not our spirits rejoice in read= ing those lines which contain our legacy and charter for heaven? With what gladness and triumph may we read the expressions' of divine love, and hear of our celestial country, though we have not yet the happiness to behold it! Men that are separated by sea and land, can by letters carry on great and gainful trades; and may not a Christian, in the wise improvement of duties, drive on this happy trade for rest? Corne, then, renounce formality, custom and ap- plause, and kneel down in secret or public prayer, with hope to get thy heart nearer to God before thou risest up. When thou openest thy Bible, or other book, hope to meet with some passage of divine truth, and such blessing of the Spirit with it, as will give thee a fuller taste of heaven. When thou art going to the house of God, say, " f hope to meet with somewhat from God to raise my affections be- fore I return; I hope the Spirit will give me the meeting, and sweeten my heart with those celestial delights; I hope Christ will ' appear to me in that way, and shine about me with light from heaven;' let nie hear his instructing and