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204 THE NATURE OP [Chap. 13. it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So, then, they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die ; but if ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." There are a few who much hinder their heavenly joy by denying the body its necessaries, and so making it unable to serve them : if such wronged their flesh only, it would be no great matter ; but they wrong their souls also; as he that spoils the house injures the in- habitants. When the body is sick, and the spirits languish, how heavily do we move in the thoughts and joys of heaven ! CHAPTER XIII. THE NATURE OF HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION; WITH THE TIME, PLACE, AND TEMPER, FITTEST FOR IT. The duty of heavenly contemplation is recommended and defined. The definition 23 illustrated. 1. The time fittest for it is represented, as, 1. Staled ; 2. Frequent ; 3. Seasonable every day, particularly every Lord's day, but more especially when our hearts are warmed with a sense of divine things; or when we are afflicted or tempted; or when we are near death. II. The fittest place for it. III. The fittest temperfor it is, 1. When our minds are most clear of theworld, 2. Andmost solemn and serious. ONCE more I entreat thee, reader, as thou makest conscience of a revealed duty, and darest not wilfully resist the Spirit ; as thou valuest the high delights of a saint, and the soul-ravishing exercise of heavenly contemplation ; that thoudiligently study, and speedily and faithfully practise the following directions. If, by this means, thou dost not find an increase of all thygraces, and dost not grow beyond the stature of common Christians, and art not made more ser- viceable in thy place, and more precious in the eyes of all discerning persons ; if thy soul enjoy not more communion with God, and thy life be not fuller of comfort, and hast it not readier by thee at a dying hour ; then cast away these directions, and exclaim against me for ever as a deceiver. The duty which I press upon thee so earnestly, and in the practice of which I am now to direct thee, is, " The