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210 THE NATURE OF Chap. 13. the fittest time for myself is the evening, ffcam sunsetting to the twilight. I the rather mention this, because it was the experience of a better and wiser man ; for it is expressly said, " Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the even- tide." The Lord's day is exceeding seasonable for this ex- ercise. When should we more seasonably contemplate our rest, than on that day of rest which typifies it to us ? It be- ing a dayappropriated to spiritual duties, methinks we should never exclude this duty, which is so eminently spiritual. I verily think this is the chief work of a Christian Sabbath,and most agreeable to the design of its positive institution. What fitter time to converse with our Lord, than on the Lord's day ? What fitter day to ascend to heaven, than that on which he arose from earth, and fully triumphed over death and hell ? The fittest temper for a true Christian is, like John, to " be in the Spirit on the Lord's day." And what can bring us to this joy in the Spirit, but the spiritual beholdingofour approaching glory? Take notice of this, you that spend the Lord's day only in public worship; your al- lowing no time to private duty, and therefore neglecting spiritual duty of meditation, is very hurtful to your souls. You, also, that have time on the Lord's day for idleness and vain discourse, were you but acquainted with this duty of contemplation, you would need no other pastime ; you would think the longest day short enough, and be sorry that the night had shortened your pleasure. Christians, let heaven have more share in your Sabbaths, where you must shortly keep your everlasting Sabbaths. Use your Sabbaths as steps to glory, till you have passed them all, and are there arrived. Especially you that are poor, and cannot take time in the week as you desire, see that you well improve this day ; as your bodies rest from their labors, let your spirits seek after rest from God. Besides the constant seasonableness of every day, and particularly every Lord's day, there are also more peculiar seasons for heavenly contemplation. As for instance : When God bath more abundantly warmed thy spirit with fire from above, then thou mayst soar with greater freedom. A little laborwill set thy heart a-going at such a time as this ; whereas at another time thou mayst take pains to little pur- pose. Observe the gales of the Spirit, and how the Spirit of Christ doth move thy spirit. "Without Christ we can do