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214 THE NATURE OF [Chap. 13. Thirdly. I am next to advise thee concerning theprepara- tions of thy heart for this heavenly contemplation. The success ofthe work much depends on the frame of thy heart When man's heart had nothing in it to grieve the Spirit, it was then the delightful habitation of his Maker. God did not quit his residence there, till man expelled him by un- worthy provocations. There was no shyness or reserve till the heart grew sinful, and too loathsome a dungeon for God to delight in. And, was this soul reduced to its former inno- cency, God would quickly return to his former habitation ; yea, so far as it is renewed and repaired by the Spirit, and purged from its lusts, and beautified with his image, the Lord will yet acknowledge it as his own : Christ will manifest himself unto it, and the Spirit will take it for his temple and residence. So far as the heart is qualified for conversing with God, so far it usually enjoys him. Therefore, " with all dili- gence keep thy heart, for out of it are the issues of life." More particularly, 1. Get thy heart as clear from the world as thou canst. Wholly lay by the thoughts of thy business, troubles, enjoy- ments, and every thing that may take up any room in thy soul. Get it as empty as thou possibly canst, that it may be the more capable of being filled with God. If thou couldst perform some outward duty with a piece of thy heart, while the other is absent, yet this duty, above all, 1 am sure thou canst not. When thou shalt go into the mount of contem- plation, thou wilt be like the covetous man at the heap of gold,who, when he might take as much as he could, lamented that he was able to carryno more ; so thouwilt find somuch of God and glory as thy narrow heart is able to contain, and almost nothing to hinder thy full possession, but the incapa- city of thy own spirit. Then thou wilt think, " O that this understanding, and these affections, could contain more ! It is more my unfitness than any thing else, that even this place is not my heaven. ' God is in this place, and I know it not.' This ' mount is full of chariots of fire;' but mine eyes are shut, and I cannot see them. .0 the words of love Christ hath to speak, and wonders of love he hath to show, but I cannot bear them yet ! Heaven is ready for me, but myheart is unready for heaven." Therefore, reader, seeing thy en- joyment of God in this contemplation much depends on the capacity and disposition of thy heart, seek him here, if ever,