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220 AUXILIARIES OF [Chap. 14 tions, and particularly love, desire, hope, courage or bold- ness, and joy. 1. Love is the first affection to be excited in heavenly contemplation ; the object of it is goodness. Here, Christian, is the soul-revivingpart of thywork. Go to thy memory, Illy judgment, and thy faith, and from them produce the excel- lencies of thy rest ; present these to thy affection of love, and thou wilt find thyself, as it were, in another world. Speak out, and love can hear. Do but reveal these things, and love can see. It is the brutish love of the world that is blind; divine love is exceeding quick-sighted. Let thy faith take hold of thy heart, and show it the sumptuous buildings of thy eternal habitation, and the glorious ornaments of thy Father's house, even the mansions Christ is preparing, and the honors of his kingdom ; let thy faith leadthy heart into the presence of God, and as near as thou possibly canst, and say to it, " Behold the Ancient of Days, the Lord Jehovah, whose name is, I AM : this is he who made all the worlds with his word, who upholds the earth, who rules the nations, who disposes of all events, who subdues his foes, who con- trols the swelling waves of the sea, who governs the winds, and causes the sun to run its race, and the stars to know their courses. This is he who loved thee from everlasting, formed thee in the womb, gave thee this soul, brought thee forth, showed thee the light, and ranked thee with the chief of his earthly creatures ; who endued thee with thy under- standing, and beautified thee with his gifts ; who maintains thy life and all its comforts, and distinguishes thee from the most miserable and vilest of men. O here is an object worthy thy love ! Here shouldst thou even pour out thysoul in love! Here it is impossible for thee to love too much! This is the Lord who hath blessed thee with his benefits, ' spread thy table in the sight of thine enemies, and made thy cup over- flow !' This is he whom angels and saints praise, and the heavenly host for ever magnify !" Thus do thou expatiate on the praises of God, and open his excellencies to thine heart, till the holy fire of love begins to kindle in thybreast. Ifthou feelest thy lovenot yet burn, lead thyheart farther, and show it the Sonof the living God, whose name is" Won- derful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace :" show it the King of saints on the throne of his glory, " the First and the Last; who is, and