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Chap. 14 ] HEAVENLY CONTEMPLATION. 225 them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord ; for the Lord will not cast off for ever ; but though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion, according to the multitude of his mercies." Though I lan- guish and die, yet will I hope ; for " the righteous hath hope in his death." Though I must lie down in dust and darkness, yet there "my flesh shall rest in hope." And when my flesh hath nothing to rejoice in, yet will I " hold fast the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end ;" for " the hope of the righteous shall be gladness." Indeed, if I was myself to satisfy divine justice, then there had been no hope; but Christ bath "brought in a better hope, by the which we draw nigh unto God." Or, if I had to do with a feeble creature, there were small hope ; for how could he raise this body from the dust, and lift me above the sun? But what is this to the Almighty, Power which made the heavens and the earthout of nothing ? Cannot that power which raised Christ from the dead, raise me? and that which bath glorified the Head, glorify also the members ? " Doubtless, by the blood of his covenant, God will send forth his prisoners out of the pit, wherein is no water;" therefore will I " turn to the strong hold, as a prisoner of hope." 4. Courage, or Coldness, is another affection to be exer- cised in heavenly contemplation: it leadeth to resolution, and concludeth in action. When you have raisedyour Iove, desire, and hope, go on, and think thus withyourself: "Will God indeed dwelt with men ? And is theresuch a glory within the reach of hope? `I hy, then, do I not lay hold upon it ? Where is the cheerful vigor of my spirit ? Why do I not gird up the loins of my mind?' Why do I not set upon my enemieson everyside, and valiantly breakthrough all resist- ance ? What should stop me, or intimidate me ? Is God with me, or against nie, in the work? Will Christ stand by me, or will he not ? ` If God and Christ be for me, who can be against me V In the work of sin, almost all things are ready to help us, and only God and his servants are against us -; yet how ill doth that work prosper in our hands ! But in my course to heaven, almost all things are against me, but God is for me; and therefore how happily doth thework succeed ! Do I set upon this work in my own strength, or rather in the strength of Christ my Lord? And ' cannot I. 1 0*