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238 CONTEMPLATION ASSISTED [Chap. 1& to the Sion of God, the vision of the divine Majesty, and the order of`the heavenly host ? Add to these, those particular providences which thou hast thyself enjoyed and recorded through thy life, and compare them with the mercies thou shalt have above. Look over the mercies of thy youth and riper age, of thy prosperity and adversity, of thy several places and relations ; are theynot excellent and innumerable, rich and engaging ? How sweet was it to thee, when God resolved thy doubts ; scattered thy fears ; prevented the in- conveniences into which thy own counsel would have cast thee ; eased thy pains ; healed thy sickness ; and raised thee up, as from death and the grave ! Think, then, " Are all these so sweet and precious, that without them my life would have been a perpetual misery ? Hath his providence on earth lifted me so high, ° and his gentleness made me so great V How sweet, then, will his glorious presence be How high will his eternal love exalt me ! And how great shall I be made in communion with his greatness ! If my pilgrimage and warfare have such mercies, what shall I find in my home, and in my triumph ! If God communicates so much to me, while I remain a sinner, what will he bestow when I am a perfected saint ! If I have had so much at such a distance from him, what shall I have in his immediate presence, where I shall ever stand before his throne !" Compare the joys above with the comforts thou hast here received in ordinances. Hath not the Bible been to these as an open fountain, flowing with comforts day and night? What suitable promises have come into thymind ; so that, with David, thou mayst say, " Unless thy law had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine affliction !" Think, then, " If his word be so full of consolations, what overflowing springs shall we find in God himself ! If his letters are so comfortable, what will the glory of his presence be ! If the promise is so sweet, what will the performance be ! If the testament of our Lord, and our charter for the kingdom, be so comfortable, what will be our possession of the kingdom itself !"Think farther, " What delights have I also found in the word preached ! When I have sat under a heavenly, heart-searching teacher, how hath my heart beenwarmed ! Methinks I have felt myselfalmost in heaven. Howoften have I gone to the congregation, troubled in spi- rit, and returned joyful ! How often have I gone doubting,