252 CONTEMPLATION [Chap. N. glory ; yonder, Omy soul, must thou remove, when thou departest from this body ; and when the power of thy Lord hath raised it again, and joined thee to it, yonder must thou live with God for ever. There is the glorious New Jerusa- lem, the gates of pearl, the foundation ofpearl, the streets and pavements of transparent gold. That sun, which light- eth all this world, will be useless there ; even thyself shall be as bright as yonder shining sun ; God will be the sun, and Christ the light, and in his light shalt thou have light. 8. " O my soul ! dost thou ' stagger at the promise of God, through unbelief ?' I much suspect thee. Didst thou believe indeed, thou wouldst be more affected with it. Is it not under the hand, and seal, and oath of God ? CanGod lie ? Can he that is truth itself be false? What need hath God to flatter or deceive thee ? Why should he promise thee more than he will perform ? Dare not to charge the wise, almighty, faithful God with this. Howmanyof thepromises have been performed to thee in thy conversion ! Would God so powerfully concur with a feigned word ! O wretched heart of unbelief ! Hath God made thee a promise of rest, and wilt thou come short of it ? Thine eyes, thine ears, and all thy senses, may prove delusions, sooner than a promise of God can delude thee. Thou mayst be surer of that which is written in the word, than if thou didst see it with thine eyes, or feel it with thine hands. Art thou sure thou art alive, or that this is earth thou standest on, or that thine eyes see the sun ? As sure is all this glory to the saints ; as sure shall I be higher than yonder stars, and live for ever in the holy city, and joyfully sound forth the praises of my Redeemer; if I be not shut out by this ' evil heart of unbelief,' causing me to ' depart from the living God.' 9. " And is this rest so sweet and so sure ? Thenwhat mean the careless world ? Know they what they neglect ? Did they ever hear of it, or are they yet asleep, or are they dead? Do they certainly know that the crown is before them, while they thus sit still, or follow trifles? Undoubtedly they are beside themselves, to mind so much their provision by the way, when they are hasting so fast to another world, and their eternal happiness lies at stake. Were there left one spark ofreason, theywould never sell their rest for toil, nor their glory for worldly vanities, nor venture heaven for sinful pleasure. Poor men ! 0 that you would once consider