Baxter - BV4831 84 F3 1830

Chap. 16.] EXEMPLIFIED. 257 light of grace is unreasonable, much more in the approach of the light of glory. Come forth, my dull, congealed spirit ; thy Lord bids thee 'rejoice, and again rejoice.' Thou hast lain long enough in thy prison of flesh, where Satan hath been thy jailer ; cares have been thy irons, fears thy scourges, and thy food the bread and water of affliction ; where sorrows have been thy lodgings, and thy sin and foes have made thy bed, and an unbelieving heart hath been the gates and bars that have kept thee in : the angel of the co- venant now calls thee, and bids thee ' arise and follow him.' Up, O my soul ! and cheerfully obey, and thy bolts and bars shall all fly open : follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Shouldst thou fear to follow such a guide ? Can the sun lead thee to a state of darkness ? Will he lead thee to death, who died to save thee from it ? Follow him, and he will show thee the paradise ofGod ; hewill give thee a sight of the New Jerusalem, and a taste of the tree of life. Come forth, my drooping soul, and lay aside thy winter dress ; let it be seen, by thy ' garments of joy and praise,' that the spring is come ; and as thou now seest thy comforts green, thou shalt shortly see them ' white and ripe for harvest,' and then thou shalt be called to reap, and gather, and take pos- session. Should I suspend and delay my joys till then ? should not the joys of the spring go before the joys of har- vest ? Is title nothing before possession? Is the heir in no hnttar a otnto thon a clavia P MyLord ninth taught trim to re- joice in hope of his glory; and how to see it through the bars of a prison ; for, when persecuted for righteousness' sake, he commands me to ' rejoice and be exceeding glad,' because ' my reward in heaven is great.' I know he would have my joysexceed my sorrows, and as muchas he delights in ' the humble and contrite,' he yet more delights in the soul that ' delights in him.' Hath my Lord spread me a table in this wilderness, and furnished it with the promises of everlasting glory, and set before me angels' food ? Doth he frequently and importunately invite me to sit down, and feed, and spare not ? Hath he, to that end, furnishedme with reason, and faith, and a joyful disposition ; and is it possible that he should be unwilling to have me rejoice ? Is it not his command, to ' delight thyself in the Lord ;' and his promise, to ' give thee the desires of thine heart ?' Art thou not charged to ' rejoice evermore ;' yea, to ' sing aloud; and