Chap. 3.] THE SAINTS' REST. 43 seasonable. He that expects the fruit of his vineyard at the season, and makes his people " like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season," will also give them the crown in his season. He that will have a word of joy spoken in season to him that is weary, will surely cause the time of joy to appear in the fittest season. Theywho are not weary in well-doing shall, if they faint not, reap in due season. If God giveth rain even to his enemies, both the former and the latter in his season, and reserveth the appointed weeks of harvest, and covenants that there shall be day and night in their season; then surely the glorious harvest of the saints shall not miss its season. Doubtless, he that would not My a day longer than his promise, but brought Israel out of Egypt on the self-same day when the four hundred and thirty years were expired, neither will he fail of one day or hour of the fittest season for his people's glory. When we have had in this world a long night of darkness, will not the day- breaking, and the rising of the Sun of Righteousness, be then seasonable ? When we have passed a long and tedious journey, through no small dangers, is not home then seasonable ? When we have had a long and perilous war, and received many a wound, would not a peace, with victory, be seasonable ? Men live in a continual weariness; especially the saints, who are most weary of that which the world cannot feel. Some weary of a blind mind; some of a hard heart; some of their daily doubts and fears; some of the want of spiritual joys ; and some of the sense of God's wrath. And when a poor Christian hath desired and prayed, and waited for deliverance many years, is it not then seasonable ? We grudge that we do not find a Canaan in the wilderness; or the songs of Sion in a strange land; that we have not a harbor in the main ocean, nor our rest in the heat of the day, nor heaven be- fore we leave the earth ; and would not all this be very unseasonable ? 7. As this rest will be seasonable, so it will be suitable. The new nature of the saints Both suit their spirits to this rest. Indeed, their holiness is nothing else but a spark taken from this element, and by the Spirit ofChrist kindled in their hearts; the flame whereof, mindful of its own di- vine original, ever tends to the place fromwhence it comes.