Chap. 5.] WHOM THIS REST IS DESIGNED. 67 eternal fire i" And if thewicked already suffer eternal fire, then, no doubt but the godly enjoy eternal blessedness. When John saw his glorious revelations, he is said to be "in the Spirit," and to be " carried away in the Spirit." And when Paul was " caught up to the third heaven," he knew not " whether in the body or out of the body." This implies that spirits are capable of these glorious things, without the help of their bodies. The same is implied, when John says, " I saw under thé altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God." When Christ says, "Fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul," does it not plainly imply, that when wicked men have killed our bodies, that is, have separated the souls from them, yet the souls are still alive ? The soul of Christ was alive when his body was dead, and therefore so shall be ours too. This appears by his words to the thief, " To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise;" and also by his voice on the cross, " Father, into thy hands I commendmy Spirit." Ifthe spirits of those that "were dis- obedient in the days of Noah were in prison," that is, in a living and suffering state ; then, certainly, the separate spirits of the just are in an opposite condition of happiness. Therefore, faithful souls will no sooner leave their prisons of flesh but angels shall be their convoy ; Christ, with all the perfected spirits of the just, will be their companions ; heaven will be their residence, and God their happiness. When such die, they may boldly and believingly say, as Stephen, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit ;" and commend it, as Christ did, into a Father's hands. CHAPTER V. THE GREAT MISERY OF THOSE WHO LOSE THE SAINTS' REST. I. The loss of heaven includes, 1. The personal perfectionofthe saints; 2. God himself; 3. All delightful affections toward God; 4. The blessed society ofangels and gloried spirits. II. The aggravations of the loss of heaven; 1. The understanding ofthe ungodly will then be cleared; 2. Also enlarged. 3. Their consciences will makea true and close application. 4. Their affectionswill be more lively. 5. Their memories will be large and strong. IF thou, reader, art a stranger to Christ, and to the holy nature and life of, his people, who are before described,