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in Contriving Man's Redemption. i.71 is the ca re ~f fuch a Sinner? T o what San/J:uary will he fly ? All the other Attributes I"....V1 condemn him, Holine(s excites Jufiice, and Jufiice awakens Power for his Defiru/J:ion ; ~· and if Mercy interpo(e not bet ween him and Ruin, he mufi peri!h irrecoverably. Whoever loves not the Lord Chrifl, is Anathema Maranatha; He is under an irrevocable Curfe, which the Redeemer will confirm at his coming. . . 3· Wilful negle/J: of Redeeming Mercy aggravates the Sentence, and brings an extraordinary Damnation upon Sinners. Befides the doom of the Law which continues in its vigour a~a infi Tranrgrelfors, the Go(pels adds a more heavy one againil the impenitent, beca11je he believes not in the Name of the only begotten Son of' God, John 3• 18. Infidelity is an outrage fiot to a Man or an Angel, but to die Eternal Son. For the Redemption of Souls is reckoned as a part of his Reward, He'fhaU fee P[ the travel of his S01ti and be fatisjied, !fa. 53· Thofe therefore who fpurn at Salvation, deny him the Honour of his Sufferings; and are guilty of the defiance of his Love, of the contempt of his Clemency, of the provocation of the n1ofi renfible and fevere Attribute when 'tis incenfed. This is to firike him at the Heart, and to kick ..gainfi his Bowels. · This increafes the Angui!h of his Sufferings, and imbitters the Cup of his Paffion. This renews his Sorrows, and makes his Wounds bletd afre!h. Dreadful ~~P\~~I~r~~~s e~~;t~~s b~; ~~\;t ~; !h~!f;'~r~~i{yi~~ceh/;;;1;o~i~o~~~~J. in~~~r~~fuj Wretches! that refute to bring glory to their Redeemer, and Blelfednefs to themfelves : ~~~rt~e)~;~~h~ t~~~r~etl~~ft;~e ~h~uzr t~o;;e~t t~o~~!'!~~i!~~i~h~if~l;ft~~~et~~!~ ;h; ~~!~~:Z, World to fave Men from Death, and they refufe the Pardon, John 3· 19. 'Tis an ag- ' """!" v.- . gravation of Sin above what the Devils are capable of; for Pardon was never offered :f.'~~~/:.f.'· to thofe rebellious SpiritS. In !hort, fo deadly a malignity there is in it, that it poy- "' , ... fons the Gotpel it felf, and turns the fweete!l: Mercy into the forefi Judgment. The Sun of Righteou(nef$ who is a reviving Life to the penitent Believer, is a confuming Fire to the obdurate. How much more tolerable had been the condition of fuch Sinners, if faving Grace had never appeared unto Men, or they had never heard of it? For the degrees of Wrath !hall be in proportion to the Riches of negle/J:ed goodnefs. The refufing Life from Chrifi, makes us guilty of his Death. And when he fhall come in his Glory, and be vifible to all that pierced Him, what Vengeance will be the Portion of tho(e who detpited the Majefiy of his Perfon, the My!l:ery of his Compaffions and Sufferings? Thofe that Jived and died in the darknefs of 'Heathenirrn !hall have • cooler Climate in Hell, than thofe who neglefted the great Salvation: ' z, CHAP.