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q8 f"V',./1 Chap. 13. VV'"\.J <Jbe Harmony of tbe Vivine Attributes CHAP. XIII. D ivine J uftice is declared and glorified in tbe Deatb of ChriO:. The t hree. fold accou11t the Scriptures gives of it : AJ a Punifhment inflLCied for Sin, as a Price to redeem us from Hell, as a Sacrifice to reconcile us to God. Man was Capitally guilty. Chrill with the allowance of G od inmpofes af his Surety. Hi1 Death was infliCied on bim by the fi1preme J udge. Tbe impulfive Cat<fe vf it was Sin. His Sufferings were equav afent to tbe Sentence of tbe Law. Tbe Effect of them is our Freedom. An Anilver to tbe ObjeClion, Tbat 'tis a violation of Juflice t o transfer the Punifh. mem from the g uilty to tbe innoccnr. lbe De•th of Chrifi if the E'rice tbat redeems from Hell. Tbis ji11gufar ejfeCI of bis Death dijfingttijhes it fro/Jt tbe Deatb of tbe Martyrs . An Anfwer to the ObjeClionJ. How co1tfd God receive tbiJ Price, fince he gave his S o11 t o that Death whicb redeems 111? And how our Redeemer, fuppofing him God , can maf:..e Sa. tisfatl:ion to himfelf? The Death ofChrifi reprefonted as a Sacrifice. The Expiatory Sacrifices under tbe Law were fubftituted in the place of guilty Men. The EJfeCis of them anfwerabfe to their threefold K.efpefl to God, s;,. and Men, The Attonement of Anger, the Expiation of Sin, and Freedom from Punifhment. All forts of Placatory Sacrifices are referr'd to Chrift, and the ejfeCIJ of them in a fublime and perfeCi manner. No prejudice to the freenefJ and greatnefs of God's Lcve, that Chrifi by hu Death reconciled Him to Men. HAving premifed thefe things, I fhall now prove tha t the Divine J'!Jiite is really declared and glorified in the obedient Sufferingsof Chrifl. For the epening this Point, ' ti s neceffary to conuder the Account the Scripture gives ofbis Death; which is threefold. 1 . Tis reprefented under the relation of Punifhment infliCted on him for Sin, and the effeCt of it is Satisfaction to the Law. 2 . As a Price to redeem us from Hell. 3· Under the notion of a Sac rifice to reconcile God to Sinners. h rfl, As a Punifhment infliCted on him for Sin. This will appear by confidering, 1. That Man by his Rebellion againfl God was Copitolfy guilty : He flood fentenced by the Law to Death. 2. Chrifl with the allowance of the fupreme Judge interpofed as our Surety, and in that relati on was made liable to Punifhment. Sins are by rcfimblonce called Debrs. As a Debt obliges the Debtor to Payment, fo fin doth the Sinner to Punifhment. .And as the Creditor bath a right to exaCt the Payment from the Debtor, fo God bath a right to infliCt Punifhment on the Guilty. Bur with this di ffe rence, the Credi tor by the meer fi gnification of his Will may difcharge the Debtor, for he bath an abfolure Power over his Eflate: whereas publick Juftice is concerned in the Punifhment of ~ vid Dr. the guilty. * This is evident by many Inftances. For ' ti s not fufficienr that a Criminal :E~~~~~~~: ~!~~~n.hisT~~~~rt~:!n ~?!e~ri~~~e ~~~Foe~, \~~~~:~~ ~~~rv~i~na~~~~r~,a ~:s'rogiJfnt~Q ntf' h;tth 'llin· from that of the State, that fometimes the injured Party foli cites the Pardon of the Offen - ~;;:;';}tJ~~ der wirhout fucc_efs.. Wh!ch. fhews, that principally 'ri s not to fa tisfie the part!cul ar PerfJllion: [on, that the Cnme JS pumfh d, but to fa t1sfie the Law, and prevent future D1forders . t;~ 0~F~hons Now our Debt was not pecuniarJ b ut penal : And as in Civil Cafes, where one becomes ~ re tus. Surety for another, he is obliged to pay the Debt, fo r in the eflim,lfe of 1he Law they are but one Perfon, Heb. 7· 22. So the Lord J efus Chr irt en rri ng into this relation, he [u ({a ined the Perfons of Sinners, and became judicia lly one with chem, and according to the Order of Juflice, was liable to their Punifhment. The Difpl eafure o f God was primarily and direEt: ly, againll the Sinner, but the effects of it fell npon Chri11, who undertook for him. The Apo{Ue tells us, Gal. + 4 , S· That when the h t!nefs of time came, God fent hi r Son , made 1mde,· tbe Law, th(/t be 111ight redeem them that tvere uncler Jhe Law. He took our Nature and Condition: He was made under the L:nv J\1or11l and Ceremonial