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<The HarfY!ony of the Vi'Uine Attributes ~ 2. It is n'?t inconG£\ent wit~ R~afon, that the. Son of God cloathed w_ith our Nature, ~· !bould by htsDeath make Sausfachon to the De1ty, and therefore to h1mfel f. In the according of two Parties, a Perfon that belongs to one of them, may interpofe for Reconciliation, provided that he devel'rs his own Interel'r, and leaves it with the Party from whom he comes. ThUs wben ihe Senate of Rome, and the People were in dilfenfton, one ot the Senators tfufl:ed his own Concernment with the Council, of which he was a Member} and mediated between the Parties to reconcile them, (Menenh11 Agrippa, Liv. I. 2.) Thus when'the Father and the Son both polfel'r of the Imperial Power, h ave been offended by Rebellious Subjects, "tis not inconvenient that the Son interpofe as a Med}ator, to reftore them to the Favour of the Prince. And by this he reconciles them to lumfelf, and procures them Pardon of an Offence, by which his own Majel'ry was violated. This he doth as Mediator, not as a Party concern'd. Now this is a fit Il\u l'rration of the Great Work of our Redemption, fo far as Humane Things can reprefent Di vine. For all the Perfons of the Glorious Trinity were equally provok"d by our Sin; an d to obtain our Pardon, the Son with the confentof the Father, depofits his lnterel'rs into his Hands, and as aMediator intervenes between us and him, who in this TranfaB:ion is the Depofttary of the Rights of Heaven, and having performed what Jul'rice required, h e reconciled the World to God, that is, to the Father, Himfelf and the Eternal Spirit. In this Caufe his Perfon is the fame, but his Quality is different : He made fatisfaction as Med iator, and receiv'd it as God. Tis in this ferife that the Apol'rle faith, 1 '}oh. 2. 2 . We have an Advocate with the Father, Jejiu Chrifi the Righte01u: Not to excluc;!e the otl)er Perfons, but in regard the Father as the Firft Perfoil is the Protector of J u(lke, our Mediator in appeafing Him appeafes the other alfo. . , . 3· The Death ofChri(l is repreferited tinder the notion ofa Sacrifice offer'd up to God, Forthe more full undetl'randihg of this, we mu(\ confider that Sacrifices were o f two kinds. 1. Some were Eucbariflictil: They are called Peace-offerings, by which the Sacrificer acknowledg'd the Bounty of God, and his own unworthinefs, and rend red Praife for a favour received, and defired the Divine Blefling. 2. Expiatory: The Sin-offerings for the averring of God's Wrath. ihe In(limtion of them was upon a double Rea(on ; Di;pl:.~~~e~~~~~ ~~1~":~d ~i~~~.~~;ob~d~no2~i~~~~ ~~ej~~;~~i~~a~~on{lft~~t::e~ha~ he might pardon them. Thefe Truths are engraven in the natural Confcience s of Men, as appears by the pretended Expiations of Sin among the Heathens: But are more clearly reveal'd in the Script11re. Under the law, without the eff•jion of Blood, there'"" no Remiffion, Heb. 9· 22. To fignify, . that God would not forgive Sin without the atonement of Ju(lice, which required the Death of the Offender; but it being tempered with Mercy, accepted a Sacrifice in his fiead. And that there was a Sub(litution o f the Bea(l in the place of the Guilty Offender, appears by the law concerning Sacrifices. 1. None were inl'rituted for Capital Offences, as Murder, Idolatry, Adultery, f!lc. becaufe the finner himfe!f was to be cut off: But for other Sim, which al though in PrriClnefs they deferved Death, yet God,' who was the King of Ifrael, was pleafed to remit the Forfeiture, and to accept the Life of the Sacrifice for the Life of the Sinner. 2. The !(Uil ty Perfon was to offer a clean Beafi ofhis own; to fignify the Surrogation of it in his fiead. For in the relation of a Polfelfor he had a Dominion over it, to apply it to that ufe. 3, The Prie(l, or the Perfon that offer'd, was to lay his Hands on the Head of the Sacrifice, thereby Confecrating it to God, and Devoting it in his (lead to bear t he punilhment. Forthisreafon'twascalled a Sin, and a C11rfe; Lev. 17. II. 4· TheConfeflion of Sin by the People, orthe Priel'r, as in the day of Atonement fignified that t he guilt of all met on the Sacrifice for Expiation. 5· The Blood was to be !bed wherein the vital Spirits are, an exprefs reprefentation what theSinuerdeferved: And that it was accepted for his Life. 6. Lafi!J, . The deprecating of God's Anger was joined with the Sacrifice. As when a Man was Oai n, and the Murderer was not found; the Elders of the City next to the dead Body, were'to kill aa Heifer in a Vally, and to pray that innocent Blood might not be laid to their Charge: Otherwife the land cpuld not be cleanfed from t he Guilt of Blood, but by the Blood of the Murtherer. · (k)Thofr Ef o. The Effeth of thefeSacrifices declare their Nature (k): And theyareanfwerable to f(.us me ex- their threefold rcfpett, ro God, to Sin, to Man. To God, that his Anger might be ap- !;,1...:Io~J peafed; to Sin, that <~e Fault might be e_xpiated; to Man, that the _guilty Perfon might w1ththrHe· obtain Pardon, and Freedom from Pumfbment. ThllswhenaSacnficewasdulyof fered, ~=:~~: ·;~;. ~~~i~~ ~/s~~:, 4 £7ceht ctv~cl:~~!o;;~h;ofi~~:;1~~~:ede~h~~ ~;:ej/jb:tJ~x~~;,e t~~ ~:; ;t:;"'G~~~- is, dec lauti vely, a11d it fbaU be forgiven hi111. Now there was a double Guilt contracted by <hofe that were under the Mofaica/Difpenfation. 1. "Ijpic•l,