Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

184- The Harmony of the Di'Vine Attributes ~~t~ha-tg~lo~rio-u-sA-t~tri-bu-te~th-at-in-cl-in~e,-h·-,m-to_p_u-ni-lh-Si-nn-er-s:-F-or_i_n-th-e-Le-ga-1-Pr-oo- . .t-iaap. '3· ttons, although the guilt of Men was publickly declared in the Death of the Sacrifices, 1./V'V yet tne Jur\ice of God did not fully appear, Gnce he accepted the Life of a Bea[\ in Compenfation for the Life of a Man: But in the Death of Chri[\ he bath given the mof'c clear Demonfrration of his JuUice, a [nfficient Example of his Hatred to Sin, condemning and punifhing it in the Perfon of his beloved Son; that the whole World may acknowledge 'twas not from any Inadvertency, but meerly by the Difpenfation of his Wifdom and Goodnefs that he forbore [o long. And by the Death of Chrif'c he bath de' clared that Glorious Myr\ery which no created Underr\anding could ever have conceived, that he is inflexibly jufl, and will not (uffer Sin ro pafs unpunifb'd, and that he juf'cifies thofe who are guilty in themfelves, if by a purifying Faith they receiveChriU for :~e~U~J~~~ Pardon. The fame Apoftle tells us, that Chrift bath givw bimfclf.for Jts! "" an Offering the_ Ft.ut-of: ,md a Sacrifice to God for tl fweet fmcUing Savour, Eph. 5· 2. He IS qualified as a Priert, ;f,i;:h~:; ~~~'j,if~~~e ~bl~:~o~0 th:~~~n:dt~ef~: h~; o~!~~:iiv~~:h~~~~~~~~athi~r~~fiet~;of~'S~;~~ !xJth is in the fice to it; for 'tis the Priefl: gives being to the Sacrifice: And the effeCt of it is, to be a ~:,;~, 6fwbich :weet ~melling fav.our to .God; that is , to concilitate his Favour to us. The f?me Phrafe tfPPfafu f!'11, IS apphed to the Stn·offenng under the Law. We may obferve that ~ upon thts account, :::, ~t;; .., ~r~r~:~or~~~i~t1o~ :1 ~~~~ i~:~:~~u~~~,~~st;~: ~;,~t~'~!,;i~;~rc;o iaoni~f;o;;,!;%~f ~;~ hu Favo~tr. Son, lmtcb more being reconciled, we ftJttU be favcd bJ bis Life. And the fame Aponle tells us, '2 Cor. 5· I9· that Ood was in Chrifl reconciling tbc lVorld to himfclf, not imputing ~~~b~rtt;c~~~{~:i~~e~~ ~::J~ZJ~11 t~~~rb1r~~d ~~r~':t,e:~d ~f ~;~~~1:fo~~ ~~; fir~ is the ground of the Apof'cle's Exhortation, the latter the elfetl: of it. The firf'c was ·obtained by the Death of Chrif'r, who by Imputation had our Guilt transferred upon Him, and confequently our Punifhment; and in confiderarion of it, God who is Jufl: and Hol y, is willing to pardon penitent Believers. The latter is by the powerful working of the Spirit, who alfures Men that hre guilty, and therefore fufpicious and fearful of God's Anger, that he is mof'c willing to pardon them upon their Repentance, fince he bath in fuch an admirable manner found out the means to fatisfie his J uUice. o. The true expiation of Sin is the effetl: of Chrif'c's Death. He is called the Lamb of God, that takes away the Sins of the World, 1 John >9· Now Sin may be taken away in two manners, anfi~~e~~~~~o;~~!l!~, ~t~il!~d3~r~n~~~f~~~i~~n~~~f~ha~~~~~o~~~~~e~i~,f~~~ ~~~~r: Iy Expiation. Secondly, By healing the corrupt Inclinations of the Heart, from. whence aCtual Sics proceed. 'Tis true, our Redeemer takes· away Sin in both thefe He delivers from the Damnation and Dominion of it: For he is made of God our Righteonfnefs and SllnClificatio", 1 Cor. I . ;o. Bm the firft [enfe is only convenient here: For 'tis evident that the Lamb took away Sin, that is, the Guilt of it, by dying inf'cead of the Sinner, and had no effei.l for the deUroying the malignant Habits of Sin in the Perfon who offered it. And 'tis more apparent, that this Divine Lamb hath taken away the Guilt of our · fins, in that He bore them in bis own BodJ on tbe Tree, I Pet. 2. 24. For the native force of the word -%.1f!G1v fignifies, not only to take away, but to carry and bear, which applied to Sin, is nothing elfe but to fuffer the Penalty of it. And 'tis to be obferved, when cleanfing, purifying, and walliingare attributed to the Blood of Cbrif'r, they have an immediate refpei.l to the Guilt of Sin, and declare its Efficacy to takeoff the Obligation to Punifbment. Thus'tis faid ( 1 John 1. 7·) that His Blood cleanfeth fro1JJ aU Sin: and that it purgclf> the Confcic1tCC from dead ftf'orfts; Heb. 9· 4· and that we are wafot frM;t onr Sins in his Blood, Rev. I. 6. The frequent Sprinklings and Purifications with Wa.. ter under the Law, prefigured our cleanfing from the defilements of fin by the Grace of the Spirit; but the fbedding of the Blood of Sacrifices was to purge away fins fo far as they were made liable to a Curfe. Thirdly, Our exemption from Punifhmerit, and our reftoratioo to Communion with God in Grace and Glory is the fruit of his expiating Sin. For this reafon the Blood of the Mediator fpcakJ better things tha11 that of Abel, Heb. 12. >4· For that cried for Revenge againf'c the Murderer, but his procures Remiffion to Believers. And as the juf1: defert of fin is Separation from the Prefence of God, who is the four.tain of Felicity ; fo when the Gllilt is taken away; the Perfon is recei\'ed into God's Favour and Fellow- !hip. A Reprefentation of this is fet down in the 24th of Exodus, where we have defcribed the manner of dedicating the Covenant between God and lfi'acl by bloody Sacrifices: