Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

-----------· -------- -- ~----· ·-----. ---~~ - A jfttnrral -~trmon On the Death of .•, Dr. William Bates. IT is grievous to me to tell you, in whofc Room and Stead I do now ft. and, in this Place this Day. ·na~~~.df,e~dni.~~~in~a·;!:1 ~~~turrr~l~:to":!r:I~i~r ~he:v~t~t~~dc~~~~~d ·:~t~1~e~; Defires and Hopes on Earth; this is the Day, this is the Hour, wherein you had again fcen the Face, and heard the Voice of that excellent Servant of Chrift, whom we now lament as loft to us and dead out Of our World: Not abfolutely dead. For God, who is his God for ever and ever, is not the God qf the Dead, but of the Living. Dying out of this World, he was born into the otlrer. - • But in that Senfe wherein he is dead to us, and this World of ours, what remains.? But that we agree to fay, Let us dye witb him. . . And thefe are the Words, which if God wtll graciouQy af!ord us his Help and Prcfcnce, we may fruitfully entertain our [elves wjth, upon this fad Octa'fion .at this time; you will find them in- · ·; ' ,. · JOHN XI. 16. Then [aid Thomas, which is called Didymus, umo his fel1ow Difciples, Let ltf a!Jo go, that we may die with .·him. THE Hiftory to which thelc \'Vords ·be1ongJ contains fo, and in· firuaive an Inftaocc of the Redeemer's l'ower ·over both V\! odds, and ro plai1,11y fhews, that he could, at his pleafure, tranOate Men o~t of t~e ,on" into the other, as migh t beft ferv~ the proper pu<pofes of. .hi?, \{edemption, that it can never be unrea[onable to us toc!1nfidct· it, wbq ~re alwaxe fybjet! to, the fame Power. And it is vety efpecially feafOnable at this time, wh~n w._c J~avc re~ojl enough to l'C·CO!lfider. his late ure of this Power' in another kind, lefs gra teful to u~1 but not lefs wile, or Juft in it felf; not the recalling of one, out of the other World into this, but rhc calling away of one, om of thi!) World ln.m the gt~er, the tr3ilQ~- ~~ffr~:b~~:s ::~~~er~~~~~f."it~~ft~i~;e~l~5gl~~~~~~}0a0~~er~~~lf1~~~~~~~~ ~~~~1!1~~f~11k were 1t not r_hat rho' tlus IS not the fame a{/, It 1s an ACt: ?f.that fame f:q!Ye,~:Jover L1ves 1 which in all Its Exertions, we are always to behold, _with .the fame ergjound, ado• ring Silence, and a difpofition of Mind, to rcceiv ~nfl:ru@. i ~m fl·om ih whcth~r .it t1S ple;r:iTI t~~~~ g~ ~~~~e:;;1~·r my recalling your Thought;, , fo long ,af.t~~"to chf{fa~ The~e. Our ~urual ~ndearedncfs, his condefcendmg A.ifeB:!on. to mef.;, f,n~ my c.eya· renual AffeChon to lum, were fo generally known to th~fe that knew-·euhcr of ~ us, that it might be oxpefied I fhould take fome publick Nouce of tl ils !evcr!ng. thoak ; Eece eo and