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A Funeral Sermon on Dr. \V illiam Bares. 963 nate, i~dmira ti onof D;:;;;;;;arJce, u~Occafiot~n~~\~-­ had a deeper Senfe of the Impotency, and Pravity of Human N ..turt. His Dif<:ourfes were ufu ally (as our Rule direCts) fovoury, ,u jiafonedwithfolt, and foe/; as might minifler G race to the He.1rers. He was frequently vi fired by Perfons of higher Rank, and that made no meAn Figure in the World. Of whom,fomc have acknowledg'd, that going abroad upon hazardous Employments, they have receiv'd frOm him, fuch wife and pious Counfcls, as have ftuck by them, and they have been the better for, afterwards. Tho' in his communing with the many Fri ends, whom he irrefiftibly confirained to covet his moll: delireable Society, he did not exclude the Thing• that were of common humane Concernment, he fiill dircove red a Temper of Mind malt intent upon Divine T hing•. He did not look with a Oight or carelefs Eye upon the Aff<irs of the P ubluk ; bur conlider, and fpeak of them as a Man of Pro(pe/J-, and large Thought, with much Prudence, and Temper; not curioufly prying into rhe .Arca~a of Govern~ ment, or Reafons of State, which it was necefrary fhould be under a Veil; much !efs rudely cenfuring what it was not lit fhould be under!l:ood: But what was open to common view, he was wont to difcourfe of inftruc1ivel.J; both as Jying under the Dire8:ion of Providence, and as relating to the Inte1·eft Of Religion. Nor was he wonr to banifh out of his Converfation the pleafontnefs that litly be long'd to it: For which his large :1cquaimance, with a 11_10ft delightfu l Varie~y of Story, both Ancient and Modern, gave him advantage beyond mofr . His judtcious Memory , being a copious Promptuary , of what was profitable, and facetious: And difdaining to be the Receptacle of ufelefs Tra01. To place Religion in a morale Sournefs, was remote from his PraEl:ice, his Judgment, and his Temper. Hut his Difcourfes, raking in, often, things of a diflf:rem Nature, were interwoven w tch Re- ~f~~~f:~~i~~~:el~~\~~ si~;o~~p:~if;z£~c~~~:~!nt~~:s~:~1~er :oA\~~fh~a~~~ pfa~~~;i~~~~'~: he fpake nor torcedly, or with affeCtation, as aCti ng a part; but from the ferried TemperJ and Habit at his SouJ. Inro whac Tranfp'?rcs of Admiration of the Love of God, have I feen.him break forth! when fome tlungs foreign, or not immediately relating, to PraCtical Godlinefs, had takon up a good part of our time. How ea lie a Step d1d he make of it, from Earth to Heaven ! Such as have been wont, in a more llated Com·fe, to refort te him can tell, Whe. ther, when other Occafions did fall in, and claim theil' part, in the Difcourfes of that Seafon, he did not ufua lly fend them away, with fomewhat that tended to better their Spirits, and quicken them in their Way Heavenward? With how high Flights, of Thought, and AffeCt ion was he wont to !peak, of the heavenly State 1 Even like a Man much more of-kin to that other World, than to this! And for his Minijlerial R!:_aliji&atiom, 4fld Labours; Do I need to fay any thing to Tbemfeives, who had the Benefit thereof?. Either them, who have fa many Years liv'd under his moll: fruitful, enlightning, quickning, edifying Mini!l:erx ? Whe~her W eek bJ Week, as Ius beloved, peculiarly priv1ledg'd Charge, at H.ckney, that mournful, defolate People! Who have been fed with the heavenly, hidden Manna, and with the Fruits of the Tree of Life, that gmws in the midft of the Paradife of God; fo prepared, and prefented to them, and made pleafam to their Tall:, as few befides have ever had: But now lit in Sorrow. hopelefs of fu ll, or any equal Relief, but by , Tranfportation into that Parad1fe it felf, whence all their Refeaions were \vont to come! Or do I need to inform fuch Inhabitants of LotJdon, as ~n a doubled Threo-Month/7 ~~r!i;oft~~f'r:~~~~~~,~~a~s~r ~a~:,10tjf~~::=~e~e~l~~;,~:o~}a~~eu~;e,hi~n~i~~~ Prov. r 1 . 7 .1 Righteous Man's Lsps, which are faid to difperfe l(no,vledge; and (which is therefore ChJp. to. 1l. moft agreeable) to feed many. Or can it be needful to acquaint the World? Who have Volumes of his Difcourfes, or Sermons m theu· Hands! Or tell them of the1r fingular Excellencies, who can as well te~l ~e ! I can fpeak .to none. of his great.... ~orth and Accomplifhmcnrs, as a ri~hly furn1fh d, and moll: skilful, Utlf>Cnlcr of l! IVIne Knowledge, and of the Mv!l:enes of the Gofpel of Chri!l:, an injlrurted Scrtbe, able to >rmg forth. of hu fr,f.ry Thtng• ~~b:ntu~~d;; :o~tb:!~~~~~t/a;~n;~'fo: ~~:~4::~Ja:::;n(~h;ta~)11 j;i;,':;:r fi~~~~ him 1\nd