Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

TheTA B LE. .Anger, :t:iof the F~---;.,~=-Hi:V,;:;;:;;:nd Paffages of ;;;;z;;; -NoPa/fionlejicapableofCormfel Ibid. ' p. 816to 8I; --:Dm{ftons to prevent m rife a~d ~Hu Speeches and Death p. g2 .,. rergn . . . . Ib1d . Belref :s due to the Gojpei-Mrfleries p. I 36, -Mottvestoextl11guijbtt p. I64 . IJ7,&c. The Atr a fit mediUm to convey the Light, A naked Belief of fopernatura[ Myfleries ;, and Influences of the Heavens, to t he unprofitable for Salvation: Sucha Belief lorver World p. 8 u requmd.u prevazlsupontheWtU,p.I39 -'Ti4 the Repojitory of Vapours that are The rvant or we.knejs of Belief the uufe of drawn up by the Sun, and defeend in fruit- Sin p. 540 ful ~horvers . Ibid. The.Charatler of Dr. Bates. p. 962, &c. The ~hapes of Ammals anfwerable to thetr Beltevers under the Gojpel en;o] greater PriProperties p. 9 vrledges tha.n thofe undtrthe Larv p. q7 ~-They rt!f.ularly ail to prejerve them- Believersare jpirituaiiJunitedtoChriflp.I6o T[:'~;:s, Stval!orvs, Ants, diretled ~b~d~ Affl,~7.ff,::::oJe;~;.;;tJ!;:i~n:;ofegz~~!; excellent Wifdom p. 9 & 10 Sujfm~$s p. I9l Tb:/;~:;,~~;,~f.:':t:'g.;;;t :r~fe"ft!.;~;, Th: !:::, :! b~!:ffi''!!.~~ d:t~e:~:[ g:::t: beginmng . • p. 18 . . p. 44) As i4 our a]Jent to future things, juch >< tts The drgnil] of Believers prohtbits a Commu· viCforiou< potver in our Souls . p. )99 nion with 7Jnbelievers p. 557 Atheifm u fearful of a publ~&k dijiovery p. 5 The Be!tef of the Heavenlj Manfions of Reft -Four heads of ArgumeniS to prove the and 'Joy prepared for the Saints, fbould Being of God Ibid. fopport them in Troubles p. 839, &c. -The vijibleFrameofthe Worlsl, ond - ItmuflreconcileDearhtotl4 p.84o the numerotl4 Creatures exaWJ. model!etl The Belief of the Being of God u the fo•n· for the good of the whole, prove tt to be a datton•f Fatth p. 67l work of a moft rvife Agent, &c. p. 6 -Of love of God; of Fear p. 674 That the mo(f Men are p,.fiical Atheijls i4 -Of rJependan" p. 675 of no v•lidity to diJP.rove the natural No· -Of Obedience p. 677 tion of God, which i4 communicated with -Of f ubmi/fion to }he WiJJ of Proviour Beings p. I 9 denee P· 678 -Not a falje Principle Ibid. Benefits received from God in the order of -Not the effetls of Melancholly, nor of Nature, Cf<Ation and Providence p. 6o9 • Jcrupulom mind . Ibid. Tbe perfeB BleJfedne(s of the Saints in God's Though Jome are jpe&ulative A theijls, the prejence P·16o notion of God i4 imprinted with ot1r Na- ---In what it conjijls I'· 76o, 761 tures p. 20 -'Ti:S rvlthourend p. 7Co There are •o abfolute Atheifh; for Nature -The ttfes of thu Perfwafion p. 77o eompels the moft obdurate to acknowledge. a The eretl ftature of the Body fitted for the , DeiiJ Ibid. Rallonal Sot~l p.. I 2 Three forts of Atheifts vita, voto, & JU· Apply the Mmd to confider the Blelfings we dicio p. 673 recezve, M welt .u the Evds we endure, ],. Jome there i< Atheifm fuO of FoUy ; in will moderate our Grief P· 290 others Folly fuli of Atheifm p: 540 The Natttral Body u not capable of the Ga-leAttributes ; the Divine .re vifible in the (fial Life . . P· 429 CreAtion p. 92 Blood o[f:hrijl cleanjeth '"from all fin P· I 9' --They are more re(Piendent in our Re, - Is our Ranfom P· 187 dlmption p. gJ Bodies of i/u· Samts in Ht4ven [ball be /}1· -Tht]agrBt intlu~t work p. 9.). .ritual and immortal "''·.?· 165 Mr. Benjamin A.lhhurft's F•nerai-Sermon, -ShaU be r1ijerl. and transformed tnto the u1on Rev. 22. u. p. 345, &c. like•efof .Chrijl's glmom Body P· I66 The Books of the Law and GofPel f/Ja/! be B. opened at the day of 'Judgment- p.. 458 The Book of Confctence Jb•ll be opened, a11.d OF fataiBartholomew-day p. 816 are•JiortxcufeMen . P·459 Dr. Bates's Funeral Sermon by Mr. The Beltef of JupernatNral thmgs maJ be con. Howe, on John It. 16. p. 951 firm'd b7 Comparifons and Examples of Mr . Baxter's Funeral-Sermon t~pon Luke thmgs m NatNYe P· 595 2~. 46. p. 8o1 ' -:--Hi4 Books · p. 8 17, &c.