A TREATISE OF EPISCOPACY; CONFUTING BY SCRIPTURE, REASON, and the CHURCHES TESTIMONY, that fort of ill totefan Cjjttrctjeo, PRELACT and GOVER.NME Nr, Which cafteth out The Primitive Church-Species, Ep,fcopacy, Miniflry and Difcipline, and confoundeth theChrlftianWorld by Corruption, Ufur- pation, Schifm, and Perfecution. Meditated in the Year 1640. when the Et cetera Oath was impofed. Writ- ten 1671. and tait by. Publifhed 168o, by the importunity of our Supe- riours, who demand the Reafons pf our Nonconformity. By RICHARD BAXTER. LONDON, Printed for Nevi/ Simmons at theThree Cocks at the Weftend of S. Paul's, and Thomas Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgatef!reet. 1681.
The Hiflory oftheProduaion o f this Treatïfe', with its De- fign andStan ; to prevent áni,f-underfianding. 13 Ecaufemany of late, as well as Juflice RogerL'Ef/range,do feem to believe themfelves in their accufation of me, as changing with the Times; though I greatly affc& thechange of a Proficient, andknow not at what age it is that fuch men would fix us that we may grow no wifer, nor ever repent of formerIgnorance or Errour ; yet Iwill hereconfefs to them that if what I here write againit be good and right, I have been forty years unchanged in my Errour. My mutabilityhath been little to my advantage for this world , For further than I was for the King, I never was one yearon that whichwas called the upper orfironger prevailing fide, as far as I un- derhand it. Nor to the very day that I was turned out of all, did my Preferments, or Riches ever ferve me, fo much as to have a Houfe, or keepa Servant man, (fave inTravail) or Woman (fave one aged Woman that providedme necefltries, in a few top rooms ofanother mans Houle ;) which I mention for the fake of the mi- flakenFrench ftranger, Mr. Durel, that tells the World another foory. And as to this Subjeél, this is theBreviateofits Hiflory, ab ori- gine. I was inmy Child-hood, firft bred up under the School,and Church - teaching,of eight feveral men, ofwhomonly two preach- edonce amonth, and the refl were but Readers of , the Liturgie, and moll ofvery fcandalous lives. After that I fell into the hands ofa Teacher, that fludied for preferment, and reviled Puritanes; and after that I fell into the happier acquaintance of three ancient Divines, that were called then Conformable Puritanes ; and all ofthembred in me an Opinion, that Nonconformiis were unlearn- ed "inen, addifledto humorous, caufelefs Singularity : For I knew but one * who was an honeft plain Preacher but of little learn- *Where ing: And tofettleme, theDivines that I followed, made me read Dr. ,sue- Bilhop Downame's Defence, Bifhop Andrews, and others forEpifco- breed was pacy, and Mr. Sprint, Dr. Burges, and others for theCeremonies: next And I verily judged them tobe in the right: But as loon as I was Neighbor. ordained, I removed intoa Countreywhere were force Noncon- formi4s, force fewof them Learned Minifters, andmany Lay- men ; of whom, one in the houlewith me, was oftdifputing the Cafe withme, andl thought I had hill the better : And the Non- conformable Mini¡lersthere, were men of fo much Holinefs, and A z Peace,
Peace, that theywould fcarce ever talk of the matters in differ- ence, but of Ilolinefs and Heaven, and reprefling the over-much heat of the Laymen : And the famousWilliamFenner being late- lyof the next Parith,aConformift oflearning,yet plain and attedio- n'ate in preaehing,God hadbleft hisMiniftry with fogreatfuccefs in theConverfion ofmany ungodly Perlons; as that the reverence ofhim, kept up the honour of Conformity among the Religi- ous people thereabouts- But in 1640. I was removed to Brignorth, and the Canons newly made, impofed on us an Oath, which had thefe words, {I A. B. do fwear that Ido approve of the Doltrine, andDifcipline, or Government of the Church of England, as concerning all things necefjarÿto Salvation Nor will Lever give myCONS ENT to alter the Government of this Church, by Arch-Bill. ops, Bifhops,Deans, andArch- Deacons, &c. As it hands now eflablifhed, and as by right itought tolland : Andall thefe things I do plainly and f ncerely acknowledgeand fwear, according to the plain andcommon fence and underfianding of the fame words, without any equivocation, or men- tal eva/iou, or fecret refervation whatfoever ; And this I do heartily, willingly, and truly, upon the Faith of a Chrifiian : So , help meGod in lefus Chrifl.]. Though every Minifter in the Countrey, as well I, was for Epifcopacy, yet this Oath fo ftartled them that they appointed a meetingat Brignorth to confult about it. It fell out on my Le- 6tureday; and at the meeting, it fell to.my lot tube the Obje6ter, or Opponent, againft Mr..Chriflopher Cartwright( good Man, in- comparably beyond me in Learning , the Defender of K. Ch. x. againli the Marquefsof Worcefter, and the Author of the Rabbin- nical Commentary on Gen. whofe Papers ofJuftification,I linee an- fwered) He defended theOath; and though my Objefiions were filch asweree none of theftrongeft,, the Minifters thought he fai- led in anfwering,them,and we broke upmore dubiousthan befdre. Ihada little before fet my. felf to a more ferions Rudy of the Cafe ofthe Ceremonies than before ; and upon the reading of Dr. Ames Frefh fuit, and forceothers (havingbefore read little on that fide)I came to fee that there was a great difference between the determinationoffuch Circumftances ofOrder as the Law of Nature, or Scripture allow and oblige men to determine one way or other, theGenus being nviceffary, and themaking ofnew myftical fignifi- cant teachingOrdinances, and Symbols ofChriftianity (of which feeBi111oap Jer. Taylor cited in my ad. Plea.) And hereupon I had fetledfny Judgment only agan tthe impofed de of the Crofs in Bap-
Baptitfn, and the abufe of undertaking Godfathers. - But now I refolved before I took fuchanOath as this, to tiudy over again thecontroverfie of Epifcopacy, (which elfe I think I lhould fcarce have done) For I faw r. That fuch an OathandCave. nant; foUniverfally impofed,was made the teft andterms ofChurch concord, and fo would be an Engineofdivifionby (hutting out all that couldnot take it. The ScotchOath, and Covet ant was not the firft impofed on us: TheBithops Oath and Covenant to the contrarywent herebefore it. z. I faw that the wholeframe ofthe prefent Church - Government, was about to be fixed, as by an Oathof Allegiance, on theLand, as ifit were as neceffary as Mo narchy, and to bewoven into the fundamental unchangeable con- ftitution, and it were true, NoBithop, no Icing. 3. I askt, What was the meaningof the Et ca>tera, and could have no folution, butfrom thefollowing words [As itRands now etlallifhed] And underftood not well how far Lay- chancellous,Officials, Surrogates, Regifters, Pro&ors, Advocates, were part of the eftablifhed Government; but 1 faw it certainly included, Arch-bithops, Deans, andArchdea- cons. 4. I askt whether the Kingand Parliament had not power to fet up a Bifhop in every Corporation ? and to take down Deans, Arch Deacons, Chanceliours, Officials, &c. and few denied it 5. I askt my feltif theKing andl-parliament make fuch a caange,andcom- mand my Confent, whether I mutt difobey them,and foreftall my obedience by a Covenant andOath ? 6.I thought that what is im- 'pofed onall the Clergie to day, may be impofed on the Laitynext; And then all Parliament men will beSworn and Covenanted ne- ver in Parliament fo much as to Confent to change any of the Church-Government now eftablithed. 7:I found thatI muff alto fwear[That it oughtfo to ftand,] whichcould mean no lets, thanby a DivineLaw, when Mans Law maynot alter it 8. I found fuck Heartinefs, Wil-lingnefsrequired in the Swearer, as required very full fatisfa&ion in all this And that with the terrible re-nunci- cationofthe Help of God in Chrifl,. ifI do not all that I fwear to 9. And I muffbe deprived of myOffice (for Benefice I had none) and cart out of the miniftry, ifI refuted to take this Epifcopal Co- venant andOath. ro. An&I knew that he that made no Confci- ence of deliberate Perjury, had little reafon to hope that he had a- nygoodConfciencc, true Grace, or I-Ionefty; and fpecially if he concurred toinvolve all the Clergie, orNation in theguilt. Upon thefeConfiderations ,i fet my feifto a more fearching Ru- dyof the matter : I read Gerfom Bucer, Didoclaue, 9acol, (and af- ter Parker, Bains,) andothers on one fide, and all that Icould get on_
Sacraments, no Covenant right to Salvation, but finning again4 the Holy-Ghoft; and all for want ofa Miniftery derived by an unin= terrupted fucceuliion of Epifcopal Ordination from the Apoftles, (and could not by importunity prevaile with him to anfwer Voetius de defperata caufa Papatus, or my D f uteof Ordination, at laft I received aLetter from him, fignifying his purpofe, upon his Friends delire to Publifh his long Letter written to me out ofIreland : So that I law a neceflìty of Publifhingmy Treatifewhich contained more than an An- fwer to him : And the rather becaufe forne R. Reverend Bithops and others had urged me, to give an Account of theReafons of my Non- conformity : So that I had not leave to fupprefs this book, nor be longer filent. Andyet I fear that they that fo called for it, will not eafily bear it. The femme of Mr. Dodwels Letter to me, now in the preis, is to prove the poflìbility of right Difcipline, by our Diocefane Gover- ment as it is, i. Becaufe Magiftrates can exercife theirs byas few : z. Becaufe the Ancients defallo did it by fuch : Therefore it may be done. To anfwer thefe two is to anfwer his Letter, which one would think fhould be foeafy, that noScholar Mould have needofhelp todo it r. Ifanyman canby an harrangue of words be brought to renounce his reafon and experience, fo far as to believe that theOffice of a Pa- ftor may beperformed to as manyPariffies, as theOffice ofa Major or Juftice of Peace may, and that Paftors have no more to do in watching over particular Souls, inftru&ing, exhorting, convincing, . comforting, vifiting, worpihing, Governing, &c, than the works of a Juftice of Peace amount to, and that Dr. Stillingfleet (e. g.) íhall be excufed ifhe do no more for his Parith, than Juftice Rog. L'EJlrange doth, I undertake not to convince thatman of any thing. Read over the work of a Bifhop as I have heredifcribed it from the Scripture and Dr. Hamondand compare it with a Juftices work, and if you can yet, be deceivedby Mr. Dodwel be deceived. Andyet I think there are in divers Parithes about us many Juftices for onePallor : I am confident London.Diocefs hath a great numberfor one Bifhop. Andeither our yufiices arebound (befideswhat now they doe) to la- bour as much to bring fome to Repentance, and fuch other work, as the Paftors are bound todo, or not : If not, it will not follow that as, largeaCircuit may be Governedby onePallor asby one Juftice : Ifyea, thenhe dothbut condemne the Juftices for unfaithfulnefs whichwill not prove, that a Pallor mull be as bad.. And.;
ì.And asto his appeal to the difcipline ofthe Ancients ; I leave theRea- derto thedeceit ofthis mans arguings, r. Ifhe cannot find it fully pro- ved in thisBook, that the Churches of the ancient Bithops were notfo big as our greaten Parishes, asto thenumber of Souls, much lefs asour. Dioceffes. z. And if inmy abftrud of Church-Hiflory of Bishopsand Counfels, I have not fully proved, that Difcipline was neglected corrup- ted or overthrown dy degrees as Bifhopr-Churches overlwelled. When we read fuch doleful complaints inHiftory, Fathers, Counfels and their Canons of the corruptionoftheChurches,is this thetrueufe to be madeof all, that we mull be like them,andnot blame them, leg we open the nakednef of our Fathers ? 3. And ifmen can make themfelveswillingly fo blind, as by a ítory that the Fathers did fuch things amongPeople and circum- fiances which we know not,to renounce common experience that it is not now any where done, nor can poliìbly be done; Ifmen can be fo ignorant what our Pariíhes and Dioceffes are, and what aBishop and Chancellor do and can do, Let fuch err, for I am unable tocure them, anymore than ifthey were confident,that my Lord Major canGovern all theFamilies of London as their Mailers, by Rewards, without Fami- ly-Mafters,or that one Phyfitian, or oneTutor,could ferveinfead ofma- ny for the City. Indeed they that have as lowan efteemoftrue Difcipline, as Mr. D. in his Letter feems to have, may eafily believe that a fewmen may do it. And thofePapifis that can let the Church be the fink of common un cleannefs, anda Nurfery of Ignorance, Vice, and Prophanenefs ; fo they may but keep up their Wealth, and Eafe, and Honour, by crying, up Order, Government, andunity; may accordinglybelieve, that no more knowledge, Piety or Difcipline is a duty, than ferveth the ends of their worldly Dominion. I mull again give notice to the Reader that whereas the Common Objections ofthe greatnefsofBithopcChurches in thefecondCenturie,are fetcht from the inffances ofRome, and Alexandria, I have anfwered even thofe two in the beginningofmyBreviate ofChurch-Hiflory, to which I mull refer you, andnot again repeat it here. I know that poor ingnorant Perlons mullexpect fucha shameful Cant ofold reproach as this,tocheat theminto thehatred ofChrifis Church-or- der and Government,into a loveofClergie-bondage, afcornful fmile íhall tell them [Mr. Baxter would have as many Bishops as Parishes, and a Pope in every Parish ; when men think one in a Diocefs too much : When every ignorant or rafh Prie (ball be the Mager of all the Parifh, andyou have no remedyagaifl his Tyranny ; what a brave reformation will this bed Andfuch a deceitfulfcorn will ferveto delude the ignorant and ungodly',
But if they truly unierftood the cafe , they would fee the shame of this deriding obje&-ion. I. A Pope is a Monarch or Governour of the worìd , and a Dioce- fan of a multitude of Parifhes. And fure he ufurpeth not fo much, who will be but the Church- guide of one ? A man is abler to guide one School, Colledge, Hofpital, or Family, thana hundred or thoufand, without any true Matter ofa Fa- mily, School, Colledge, Fi` e. unler him. a. Why isnot this foolith fcorne ufed againft there forefàiid .relations alfo ? Why fay they, not every Mafter maketh him- felta Pope or Bithop to his own houfe, and every School- Maftcr to his School, whereas one Mafter over a thoufand would do better withbare Teaching ufhers, that had no Go- vernment. P. Let it be remembred that we would havenoParifh Paftcr to have any . forceing power , by Fines , Mulcts, Imprifon- ments, &c. But only to prevaile fo farr as his management of Divine authority on mens Confciences can prevail: And we would not have Magiftrates punifh men meetly becaufe they Rand excommunicate, or becaufe they tell not the Clergy that they 'repent. True excommunication is a heavy punithment fitted to itsproper ufe, andnot to be corrupted by the force of the Sword, but tooperate by it felt ; And valeat geanturis valere pott. He that defpifeth it will not fay he is en1lavedby it. But is this all that the Bithops delire ? 4. We wouldhave no man become the Paftorofa Church without the peoples content (if not choice) no more than a Phyfician fhould be forcedon the lick. And as the Servant that confenteth tobe aServant, confenteth to his Matters Au, thority, and hethatconfenteth toa Phylcian,confenteth to be ruled byhim forhis health, and neither takethis fora flavery : So he that confenteth to aPaftor confenteth tohis Paftoral conduct : And ifhe think it to his injury, he may choofe. 5. And yet we believe that the Magiftrate may conflrein Atheifts, Infidels, and fúch as rcfafe all proper Church Com- munion, to hear Gods word Preached, and makeall the Par- ifh allow the Teacherhis tythesand maintenance due byLaw : But hemayforce no man-to Receive thegreat giftof the Body and Blood ofChrift, or a pardon delivered, and fealed -by B Baptifnt-
I'Yaptifiñ orthe taclharifl' .urtd`to bea member of the Church as l'uch, against his will. For none but defirousconfentersare capable ofthe gifts;fo that the -fame Min i1er may be the coin_ mon Teacher of all the Parish , and yet the Church- Pastor only of fit confetìters. And when Sacraments are free and no Minifier court-rained to deliver them againft his Confcî- eace, nor any unwilling man to receive them, : who is by this (nfloved ? 6. And if a Church-Paltor do di'pleafe the Church, and< the main body of them withdrawtheir eonfent, we would' not have any man continue their. Pallor while they content trot, but difelaim him. Though in cafe of need the Rulers may continue him in his Benefice as the publick Preacher ,,. if the people be grolly and obftinately culpable in refuting him. 7. And we would have that-Parifb Paftor tohave no _ pow- er to hinder any other Minifter from giving anyone the Sa- crament whom hedenyeth it to, or that refufeth it from him : Thoughhe that for a common caufe is cafeout of our Church, should not be received byothers,. till he repentetir,_yçt that holds not in all private causes, between the particular Paftor and hint; nor in cafe ofunjust excommunication. And other /Unifiers mull judge óf their own afions, whom to receive; and an injuring Minifter may not hinder any other; nor the injured perfon.f°om communicating elsewhere. 8. And we would have Parifh Churches beas largeas per- fï>nal communion Both require or allow,.and every Church to have divers i inifters; and ifone be chief or Bishop, and the raft afliftants, and ifthree or four (mall Parifhes makeone fùch communicating Church, ,we refift not. 9. And we de ,fire frequent meeting ar Synods of neighbour Pastors ; and that there every fingle Pastor be ready to give an account ofhis Miniftry, and toanswer any thing that (hall be alledged againft him : And that the voteof the Synod ob- ligeth all.againft unneceflary fingularity, > a. We refute not that one in every Inch Synod be the mo- derator; and if as ofold every City (won,;) or Corporati- on had a Bifhop fo. if but every Corporation or market Town, or.every circuit that bath a$ many Communicants as ca:
can know one another byneighbourhood and 'Come conver- fition and fometimes affembling ( like a great Parifh with many Chappels) had but fomuch power as is effential to a true particular Paflor and Church ; yeaor but the powerthat a freeTutor, Philofopher or Phyfician háth, to manage his officeby his skill, and not asan Apothecary or weer executor ofa ftrangers dilates,"we thould quietlyfubmit. Fr. And aswe refufe not filch ßifhops (evendarwte vita6° . capacitate) in everyChurch or City that is Corporation; fo if it pleafe either the King, or the Churches by his permifliort to give one grave and able man'a general care of many Churches, (as even the Scots fuperintendents had at their re- formation, as Spotfinood of Lothian , &c.) not by violence to filence, and opprefs, but by Meer Paftoral power, and only 'filchasthe Apoftles them(Ives ufed to inftrud junior Paftors., to reprove, admonifh, . e. we refill not : And fo ifGodly 4l iocefans will become Arch-bifhops only of this fort, and promote our work inflead of hinderingit, we {hall fubmit.:, though we cannot' Swear approbation, it being a thing that Chriftian Minifters may doubt of, and no Articleof our Creed. la. And if the King do cumulate wealth and honour on them, and give them their place in Parliaments, to keep the Clergy from contempt, yea,or truft any of them under him as Magiflrates with the Sword, =whether we like it or not, we fháll peaceably fubmit, and obey them as Magiflrates. 13. And iffor. order lake thefe D'iocefans fbould have. a megative voice (uniefs in cafes of forfeitureor neceffity) iv . the ordination'ofMiniftersto the Church universal, not tak- ing away the power of particular Churches to choofç, or at leaft freely content or tlificnr, as to the fixing of t aflors o- ver themfelves, wewould fubmit toall thisforcommon peace. 'Specially if the i *fag Irate only choofe men to Benefices and Magillracies, andnone had 'the Pafloral powersof the Keyes, but by the Electionof the Clergy and the peoples content, whichwas the judgment and practice et-the univeìfal Church, from the beginning ofEpileopacy till oflate. t4. And 'laftly we hold the Magifirate the only Cover ,our by tile S\vo rci, as well C f Pc.f aS Of P.1 f .1PS
others : And though he maynottake the workofourproper callingout of our handsnomore than the Phyficians, yet he may (by juftice and difcretion) punith us for male-admini- ftration, and driveus to our duty, thoughnot hinder us from it ; And weconfent todo;allunder his Government : Judge now whether we fet up Popes or Tyrants. By all this it is apparent that it is none ofthe defigne of this Treatife to overthrow or weaken the Church of Eng- land ; but to ftrengthen and fecure it againft all its notori- ous dangers. r. By reforming thofe things, which elfe undoubtedly will caufe a fucceflion of diflenters in all ge- nerations, though all we the prefent Nonconformifts are quickly like to be paft troublingthem, or being troubled by them, even of themfelves many will turne upon the fame reafons which have convinced us. 2. By uniting all. Pro- teftants, and. turning their odious wrath, and contentions, into a reverence of their Paftors, andinto mutual Love and help. This Treatife being haftened in three preffes fine Mr. Dodivel fent me his Letter that. required it, I have not time to gather the Printers Errata, but muff leave them to, the difcretion of the Reader. Only for [Englifb Prelacy] be- fore the firft Chapter and in many other places fhould. be [The defiribedPrelacy]. I will end with the two following Teftimonies, One ad rem, the other ad hominem. The Lord pity his Ship that is endangered by Pi- lots. 061ober iq, r68o, Richard Baver.:
H in Martyr's Apolog. We had rather die for the con- fetitonof one Faith, then either lie or deceive them that ex- amine us : Otherwife we might readily ufe that Common faying, my Tongue is Cworn, my mind is unfworn (vid.Rob. Abbot s old w ayp. 5'.) Thorndike of forbearance of Penalties.. It is to no purpofe to talk of reformation in the Church unto regular Govern - rpent, without rettoring the Liberty of choofing Bithops, and the Priviledge of Inloying then, to the Synods, Clergy and people of each Diocefs. So evident is the right of Sy- nods, Clergy and people in the makingof this of whom they contiít, and by whom they are to be governed, that I need make no other reafon of the negle& of Epifcopacy, . than the, r gle t ofit.. B THE
T H E CON 1. N `? P A B. L Chap 1. j'" jHe Keafans'of this .Writing. Chap, z. The Engli/h Diocefane Prelacy and Church Go- vernment truly dejeribed, that it may be known what it iswhich we diffentfrom. Chap 3. Cur judgement if the Hiftory of theancient Church Government, and of the rife of the Diocefane Prelacy. -Chap. 1. Thejudgement of thojeNon Conformillsnow filenced, who .166o ad dref ee hetElves to King Charles H. for the matter in Church-Govern- ment ' What they then offered, and v'hat chafe of the Authors mind now hòld, as to the Right ofwhat is before but Hiftorically related. -`-Chap..5. Concerning thefeveral Writers on this Controverfie, wherein there are fuiceent auimadverfions on fame, and fuficiesot Confcotations ofthe Cheif , who have written for the Prelacy which medint from. As i, Whitgift. 2. Faravia. 3. Bilfon. 4. Hooker. 5. Bijhop Downarrs Defence. 6. Bifhop FIall, ,..Petavius. 8.Bijb. Andrews. 9 Bi(h.uiher infamepafanes. i o.Of the Difpute at theVeilWight. I a. JohnForbes. r2. Thetwo Bookr of the -BohemianDifcipline contented ta. 13. Grotius applauded. rq.J. D. 5.M, A. de born. Spalatenfis confidered, andmuchof him approved. a6. Doe7or Hammond anfwered, viz. hit Annotations, }his,Diffirtat. agairdt Blondel, t? e. Who have written againft Prelacy. Chap. 6. It is not pleafing to God, that Cities only fhould have Bilhops, and Churches withthe Territories. Chap. 7. The"Defnitionand Reafons of a Diocefan Church confidered and conflated. Chap. 8. Whether theInfidel7erritcries or Citizens are part of a Diocefane Church Chap. p. Íf/botherconverting a Diocefsgive right to their Converterto be their Bifhop andRuler. bap, ao. That aparticular Chttrch of the ftrft or lowed teuton, met/I connt of t ur :. i t .7 ofT,ciated r ntr', a' C ,.r?nveí ;.,t . , ! fr ,,. 'n
:odp evorfhip and Converfatian, andnot ofStrangers f rmo te, as Awe only an intentai beast Communion, or an external Communion by the Mediation of' otbent. Chap. , I. Diet a Bifóiop or Pater ofa Particular Church of theftrft rank.afrre- defcribed, malt govern it Elatedly asprefint, by btm/élf, andnot a">fent by others. Chap. 12. The juft opening and und flandingof the true nattera of the Patin sal Office, andfhurch Government, wombd'end thefe Contrevetf:s alrutst Pre- lacy. Chap. 13. That there is no heedoffueh dsoar Diocefanes for the 'Unity, ortie Government of thepartietdat leliniffers, norfor the f lencing of the unworthy. Chap. i4. The true original of thewarrantablefort of Epifcoptey in partial- lar Churches, was the notoriousdi/parity of abilities in the Páitors. And the o,iginìl of that tyrannical. Prelacy into which it did degenerate, was the worldly Spirit in the Fafiots andpeople, which with the World came bypro, fp'erity into the Church. ( are, Whether the thing ceafe not When the Eea- fòn ofit ceafeth. -. PART. 1. hap.1 He clearingofthe State ofthe Q.eeflton. Chap. 2. ?be JO' Argument again!f the afor'edeferibed Diocefanes that their form ( quantum in.Fe) d Jtroye,l'i the particular Churchforam of Gods inftitution, andfttetlaup: a_hsmanc form in itsHead Chap. 3. That the PrimitiveEpifcopal Churches of theHoly Choi?!7iallitutiort, were but fuel, Congregations asIbeforedefcribed P ed by Scripture. Chap. 4. The fame proved l&y the Cor.cefons ofthe mr f learned Defenders of Prelacy. Chap. 5. Thefarmprovedby thefull Tefirtoy of Antiquity Chap. 6. The famefurther confirmed bythe Ancients. Chap. 7. More proofof the aforefaid Ancient Church limits, from the Ancient- Cuffoms. Chap. 8; That the Diocefanes caufe the Error of the Separati(ts, who avoid our Churches asfalfe in their Conflitution, andrsottld difable us to confute them, Chap. 9., Thefecond Argument from the depofiekon of the. Primitive fpecier of Bithops, and the eretting.of a humane inconfi¡feiet fpecies in their(lead. Afpe cificb,diTerenceproved. Chap. co. Whether anyform ofChurch Government beinffituted by'God as ceffary,or all be left to humane prudence and choice, Chap. I. Argument thirdfrom the dffrttiaint of the Order cf Presbyters of divine Inffitution, and theinvention of a newOrder ofhalf Sub-presbyters in theirdead. Chap. I2..:-That God dinffitutedfilch Presbyters as bad theforeraidpower of the Keyes
'7Cges n elobírine, worthip; ánd elf feiplinel and no other proved by the S'eriptxre: Chap. 1-3. Thefame confirmed by the Ancients. Chap.4t4. Andby theConfejjions of the greateft and learnedeft Prelatijis.. Chap. 15. Whether this Government belonging to the Presbyters be in- Toro Ec- clefiafìicoexteriore,. or on?),in foro Confcientiæ, vet interiore. Chap. 16. That the Englifh Diocefane Government doily change this'Ofce of á: Presbyter of God's inftitution, quantum in fe, into anotherof humaneinven- , lion. The differenceopened. TwentyMilonce: of taking array the Presbyters powerfrom them. Chap. 17. That thegreat changeofGovernment hitherto defcribed (the :raking ofa newfpecier ofChurcher,Bijkops andPresbyters, anddepofing the old) was "fofully'done; andnot according to tke intent of the Apoftles. Chap. i8. Argument fourth frootlee impoffibility of their performance of the Epifcopal Office ina DiocefaneChurch : And the certain exclufion anddeftru- ¿lion of theperticularChurch Government;while one man only will undertake a worktoo-greatfor many hundreds, when their work, is further opened inper- ', ticulars. Chap. 19. Thefame impofbilityproved by experience. 1. Ofthe ancient Church 2. OftheForeign Churches. 3.0ftbeChurch of England, 4. Ofourflves. Chap. 20. Ohjeétiont againft Parifh difcipline anfwered.. The need of it proved. Chap. 2 r. The blagiftratesftbord. z. Is neitherthefirength ofChurchdijcipline. 2. Nor will ferve inftead of it. 3. Nor fhould be too much ufed to feeand and. enforce it. The mifcheif} ofenforcing men to Sacramental Communion, ,open- .ed in twenty iüftances. Chap. 22. An Anfwer to the Objettions, j.NoBilhop, no King. a.Of theRe. hellions and Sedition:ofthem that havebeen againft Bithops. Chah. 23. Certain briefconfetïarie:, Chap. 24. Some 7eftimonies of Prelatifis themfelves of the late "late of the Churchof England, its Bithops andClergy, left we be thought to wrong them, in our deferiptionof them, and theirfruits. "Chap.25. 76íe Ordination lately exercìfidby the-Presbyters in England, when ,,theBithops wereput down by the Parliament, is valid, and Re ordination not -to berequired jure dìvino,asfüppofingit null. -
Theft I3ookr following are printedfor, andfold by Nevil Sim- mons at the three Golden Cocks at the well end ofSt. Pauls. Chri/lian Diretlory, or firm of praftical Theology, and cafes of Confcience, directing Chriftians how to uf' their Knowledge and Fáith, how to improve all helps and'. means,and to performeall duties how to overcome temp- tations,, and to efcape ormortifie every fin, in for parts, r., Chrian Ethickf, or privateDuties. 2.. Chriflian Oecor?o- ?Mats , or Family Duties. 3. Chrifiian Ecclefiäflicks, or Church Duties. 4. Chriflian Politicks,. or Dirties to Ohr felves and Neighbours. inFolio; CotholickTheology : Plain, Pure, Peaceable, for Pacification. in three Books. t. Pacifying Principles, &c. 2. Pacifying Praxis, &c. g. Pacifying Difputations, s c. inFolio. The Life of Faith ñtz arts : The firfi Sermon preached beforehis Majefly,,&c. TheSecond, Inftruerions for confir- ming believers inthe Chriftian faith. The thirddire&ions how to liveby faith; or how to exercil it in all o:cations in rsarto. Naked Popery; or the. naked Falfhood of a bookcalled the Catholick naked Truth, or the.Puritan convert to. Apottoli-` cal Chriftianity, written by W. H. opening their funda- mental errours of unwritten tradition, and theïr-unju4 de- fcription of the Puritan, the_Prelatical Proreftant and the Papift, and their differences, &c, To which is added an examination of Roman Tradition, as it is urged as infal, lible, &e. Inanfwerto a book called, A rational difconrfe of Tranfubflantiation. in Quarto: A Keyfor Catholicks, toopen thejugling ofthe jefuits, and fi . tisfie all that are buttruely willing to underftand, whether the caufeöf the Roman, or reformed Churches be of God and to leave the reader utterly unexcufable, that will after this bea Papift. inOClave. A. Treatife of Juftifying Righteoufnefs in two böoks. in Otyavo. . Pere_ , ;.
There are latelypublifbed;ofthis Authors theft two Books following, android Gy Thomas Simmons at thePrinces Armies in Ludgate- fireet. Hurch-Hfiory of the Government ofBifhops and their Coun- cils, Abbreviated. Induding the chief part of the Go- vernment of Chriftian Princes and Popes, and atrue ac- count ofthe molt troubling Controverfes and Here(es till the Reformation. Written for thenie efpecially of them, I. Who are ignorant or mifinformed of the flaw of the Antient Churches. I I. Who cannot read many and great Volumes. III. Who think, that the Vniverfal Church muff have one Vifble Soveraign, Perfonal or Colle&ive, Pope or General Councils. I V. Who would know whether Patriarchs, Di- ocefans, and their Councils, have been, or mull be the cure of Here_ and Schifines. V. Who would know the truth about the great Herefies which have divided the Chriflian World, efpecially the Donatifis, Novatians, Arrians, Macedo- nians, Nefiorians, Eutychians, Monothelites, &c By Richard Baxter, a Hater of FalfeHiflory. A Moral Prognoflication, I. What than befal the Churches on Earth till their Concord, by the Reftitution oftheir Primi- tive Purity,' Simplicity and Charity. .I1. How that Refti- tution is like tobe made, (ifever)andwhat {hall befal them thenceforth unto the End in that Golden Age of LO VE. Written by Richard Baxter, when by theKings Commifïion, we (in vain) treated for Concord, 166-r. And now rublith- cd not to inflruf theProud, that fcorri to learn ; nor to make them Wife, who will not be made Wife : But to In- ftru&the Sons of Love and Peace, in their Duties and Ex- peltations. Andto tell Pofierity, That the Thingsuhich be- fall them, were Fore-told : And that the Evil might have been prevented, and Bleffed Peace on Earth attained, if Men had been but willing; andhad not (hut thcir'Eye -s, and hardened their Hearts -, againfl the -Beams of Light and Love.
A TREATISE EPISCOPACY. Confuting, by SCRIPTURE,. REASON, And the CIIZRCHES TESTIMONY', That fort of Diocefan Churches, Prelacy and Government, which cafteth out the Primitive Church-fpecies , Epifco- pacy,Mìnifiry and Difcipline, and confoundeth the Chiiftian worldby Corruptiion,Ufurpation,Schifines , and Perfecution. Meditated 1640 when the &c. Oath was impofed : Written. J671 and cafi by : Publifhed 168o by the Call of Mr. H. Dadra!, and the Importunity of our Superiors, who de- mand the Reafons ofour Nonconformity. The defgne of this book is not to weaken the Church of England, its Government, Riches, Honour or Unity: But to flrengthen and fe- cure it, r. By the concordof all true Protettants who can never u- nite in the prefent Impofitions : a. And by the neceffary reformati- on ofParifh-Churches, and thofe abufes,which elfe will in all ages keep up a fucccficon of Nonconformifts. As an Account why we dare not Covenant by Oath or Subfcription never to endeavour any (amending) alteration of the Church Government (by lawful meanes, as Subjeds) nor make our felves the juftifying vouch- ers for all the unknown perfòns in the Kingdom, who vowed and fwcre it, that none ofthem are obliged to fuch (lawful) endeavour, by their vow. Ey ICHARD BAXTEit, a Catholick Chriflian, for love, con cord and peace ofall true Chriftians, and obedience to all lawful com- mands of Rulers ; but made, called and ufed as, a Noneonformift. London, Printed for Neril Simmons at the three Corks at the weft end of Saint Pads, and Thomas Simmons at the Prince's Armes in Lndgate-ftreet, MDCLXXXI.
H Engliíh Diocefan AND PRIES THOOD TR YE D, &c. CHAP. I. The Reafons ofthis Writing. Am not ignorant how difplealing it will be to the Prelates, that Ï publifh thefe Reafons of my Nonconformity to the Subfcriptions and Oaths by which they would have me become an obliged Ap- prover Oftheir Function. Nor am I ignorant what Power, Wit andWill they haveto exprefs andexercife their difpleafure : Ana. confe.. quently, howprobable it is that I fhall fuller by them for this work. And I well know that peaceable fubjecìs fhould not unneceffarily fay any thing againft that which is required by their RulersLaws, nor cherifh the Peo- ples difcontents, but do all that is lawful for the common Peace : And I am not of fo pugnacious or felf-hating a difpofition, as to be willing of mens difpleafure, efpecially mySuperiours, or tobe ruined in thisWorld, and all that I may but vent my Opinion, in a cafe wherein Ihavepublifh- ed already fo much that is ftill unanfwered, as in my Difputations of Church Government is to be feen. B And
C2% Andupon fach Reafons (bit above all, that I might notcatt away my opportunity for fome more ufeful writings, nor put an end to my own labours before God put an end to them) I have been filent in this Caufe finte our publick debates in a ny rs. lived peaceably ; I haveendeavouredtp pr 1661, the due P t of thepub- lick Miniftry, and to perfwade` all' others to due fubjeation, love and quietnefs : I have byWordand Writing oppofed the Principles of fuch as are exafperated by their fufferings into the Dividing and Separating xtream ; Though knew, that by fo doin,g,.I was like to incur thedif- pleare andbitter cenure of the Separatifts, as much as I had before of the Prelates, (thoughnot to fuller fo much by them.) And I thought that the Prelates themfelves who would not underftand the true {fateof the People, nor the tendencyof theirway, by our informations, and evident Reafons, might yet come intime to kno y allby experience, and fo to a- mend what they have done amifs. But now I dare be no longer filent for the Reafons givenApol. ch. r.. which I will flay the, Reader briefly to fumup. t,` I find fhet experience itfelf doth not Teach fome men, but Harden them. a. I perceive that thofe that are now convinced by experience, and wifh they had takenanother conrfe, and rather have united the Miniftry, thanfilenced them, are not able to undo what they have done, nor to amend what is done amifs, much lefs to retrieve all the doleful confe- quents; but the matter is . gone out of their hands and beyond their power. 3. I feethat while we wait, the Devil's work goeth on, by the filence and by the Divifions of the Minifters : Popery greatly increafeth; Qia_ kers multiply ; Atheifm and Infidelity go bare-faced among thole that are accounted men of reputation : Malice, and bitter hatred of each o- ther, withcommon backbitings, cenfurings and Randers, instead offweet LoveandConcords do notorioufly encreafe. Thoufands are every day committing thefe fins, tothe increafeof their guilt, and thehafteningof Gods judgments on the Land : The fufferers call the Prelates perfecuters, and wolves in Iheeps cloathings, who are known by their fruits, their teeth and claws. The Prelatifts {till fay that theNonconformistsare un- reafonable, difcentented, peevifh, faftious, unpeaceable, unruly fchif- maticks ; that will #.tither fee all confounded than they will yield to things indifferent. And fhall we.(till Rand by, and fluently fee this work goon? ç. And to love and .defend Truth, Honefty and Innocency is to be like to God. It is pity that thofe that Chrift hath done fo much to juftifie, and will fo glorioufy juftifie at the Taft, Ihould have nothing faid oi their behalf by men. But we are much more obliged to juftifie a righteous taufe, than righteousmen For all men have fomewhat that is unjuftifiable, but fo hath not the truth of God. 5. And he that in his Baptifmal Covenant is engaged against the Fleth, the World, and the Devil, fhould be loath to fee all their work go and
ç3i and not oppofe it; and to fee, that whichLe faketh to be no better than deliberate Lying, or Juftifying fin, and Perjury it felt, and covenanting never to obeyGod in lawful and neceflary Church-reformation, tobe all called ; Things indifferent. 6. Nature and Scripture teach us to have a due and moderate regard of our own reputationas men ; but much more as Miniftersof Chrift ; Peeing the dottrine of Chrift which we preach or write, is ulbaily dithonoured in the Miniftersdifnonour, and the edification of the fouls of them that hear us or read our writings, isgreatly hindered by it. 7. While Noblemen, Knights, Gentlemen, conformableClergy-then, andmanyothers of all Ranks, are pofleffed with thefe thoughts ofus,that we are petfons whohypocritically pretend toGodlinefs, while indeed we are fo humourfome, that we will forbear our Miniftry, and our Mainte- nance, and fuller any thing, and divide the Church, rather than yield to 'indifferent things ; this is a fcandal, a grievous fcandal, either given or taken, and tendeth to wrong their fouls that are fcandalized : And if we give them this fcandal, it is our heinous fin : But if they take it by mifinformation, we are obliged to do our part to heal it: Souls are pre- cious ; and fcandal doth endanger them, even to diftaft Religion it feif, for the fakes of fuch as they take us to be : And we mutt not hand by and fee men perifh, if we can do any thing to fave them. 8. The fufferings of many of the Minifters are very great, that have not bread for their children, nor cloaths to cover them, and are afha- med to make known their wants: And if with all this, we fuller the burdenof unreproved calumny to lie on them, and keep them not tothe neceflary comfort which confcience fhould find in fufferings with inno- cency, we hallbe guilty of nncharitablenefs our felves. q. It is part of our Honouring the King and Parliament and other Magiftrates, not to defpife or flight their cenfures : And the judgment which they have publicklypalled onus, inanAct of 'Confinement, which impofeth the Oath for Prelacy, is fo hard and grievous, that if we are guilty, it is fit we fhould be made the common repróach of men; And . if we are not, (as Non-conformifts) it is our duty to reaifie the judg- ment of our fuperiours where they are mifinformed. And as Augul ine faith, that no good Chriftian ihould be patient under an imputation of Heretiic; fo I may fay that no good Subjéft fhould be fenflefly patient under an imputation of difloyalty and fedition : That better befeemetfi the anarchical and truly difloyal and feditious, who take it for no crime. zo. And we know how pleafantly the Papifts infult to hear us ftig- matized for Villains and feditious Perlons by our brethren, and what ufe they will make of it at prefent and in furure Hiftory to the Ser- vice of their malice, and injury to the truth : whichwe ought not filent- ly hill to fuller; while we fee how hereby they do already multi- ply. Bz ir,And
(4) i i. And how unlikely foever it be, it is not impoflible, that our Su- periours, that at once depofed and filenced about i800 Minifters of Chrift, when they fee what Reafons we have for our Non - conformity, may be moved to rettore thofe that yet furvive : And then how many thoufand fouls would have the joy and benefit? ra. Laftly, Truth and the juft information of Pofterity, is a thing exceedingly defirable to ingenuous minds: It is a great trouble to think that the Ages to come, Ihould be injured by falfe Hiftory. Therefore we mutt do our belt, that they may but truly know our ° Cafe; and then let them judge of the Perfons and Aftions of this our Age, as they Ihall find Caufe, when Truth is opened to them. Upon all thefe Reafons, though to my own great labour, and to the greater contradiftion of my natural love of filent quietnefs , and to the probable incurring of mens difpleafure, I take it to be my duty to give my Superiours, Neighbours and Poferity, a true Account of the Reafons which have moved my felf and others of my mind, to re- fee to Subfcribe and Swear to the prefent Englifh Diocefan Prelacy: Committing my Life and Liberty to the pleafureof God, in obedience to whom I have both refufed to Conform, and written there Reafons of my Non-conformity. CHA>
(3) CHAP. Ir. The Englifh Diocefan Prelacy, and Church-Government, trulydefcribetl ; that it may be known what it is which we difown. T being not Epifcopacy in General, but (the Popifl: and) theEnglifh Species of Prelacy, which our Judgments cannot approve, and which we cannot fwear to as approvers, it is nccetfary that we tell ftrangers, what this Prelacy is, that the fubjeft of our Con-. troverfie benot unknown, or mifunderftood. But the fubjeit is fo large, that the very naming of the parts of our Ecclefiaftical Government, in Tables by Dr. Ri. Colns, maketh up a Volume in 16 Tables, and many hundred branches. Which being written in Latin 1 mutt refer the Foreign Reader to it; Not at ali for the underftanding of our Practice, but only of our Rule, or Laws with our Church-Conftitution: feeing it would take up a confiderable Volume to open but one half of his Scheme. All that I than now do is to give you this brief Intima- tion. That in England there are 26 or 27 Bifhopricks : of which two are Archbifhops : In all thefe fa together there was when Speed numbred them, nine thoufand feven hundred twenty five Parifh Churches, but nowmanymore. Inthe Diocefs that I live in( Lincoln)there is above a loco or i loo. In very many of thefe Parifhes ' betides the Parilh-Churches, there are Chapels, that have Curates, in fome Parifhes one Chapel, in fome two, in fome three, if not more. In thefe Parifhes the number of Inhabitants isvarious, as they are greater or leßèr : The greateft about London, fuch as Stepny, Giles-Cripplegate, Sepulchres, Martins, &c. have force about 50000 perfons, (force fay much more) Some about 30000 force about 20000, &c. But ordinarily in Cities and Market-Towns through the Country, the number is about 2oo0, or 3000, or 4.000, or s000 at the molt, except Plimouth, and fome few great Parifhes that have far more. And in Villages, in force 2000, in force woo, in force final( ones Soo, or 300, or in force very fmall ones fewer. There are in England 641 Market-Towns (faith Speed) which are of the greater fort . of Parifhes, and fuch as in old times were called Cities, though now a few have got that title; at leaft a great number ofthem are equal, and fume much greater and richer than force that now are named Cities. TheDiocefs that I live in is about fix-fcoe Miles in length. By all this you may conjecture how many hundred thoufand fouls are in force Dio- ceffe% and at what a diftance from each other: and what perfonal Com- nnanioo. :
(6) - mullion it is that they are capable of: I tfiy felf who have travelled o. vet molt of Englandnever faw the face or and the name of one Perfon (I think) ofmany thoufands inthe Diocefsthat I live in : Norhave we any other Communion with the reft ofthe Diocefs (evenwith abovea thoufand Parifhes in it) than we have with the People of anyother Churchor Dio- cefs in the land about us; fave that One Bithop and his Chancellor and o- ther Officers, are over us all. The Magiftrates Civil Government of the Church I (hall not meddle with, as having no exceptions againft it. The Sacerdotal or Spiritual Power, called the Powerof the Keys, determinethwho shall be Members of the Church, and partakeof its Communion, and exercifeth other aas of Spiritual Difcipline, of which more anon. This power is faid tobe in Archbifhops and Bifhops in foro ecelefia ptiblico vel exteriore, though an in the Governed Presbyters , inforo privato interiore, as they may privately comfort a penitent perfon, and declare God's promife of the a coffin, pardon ofhis fin. [a] The Archbifhops have it in eminency As all() the Tab. 3. powerof confirming the Ele&ion of the BIlhopsof their Provinces ; and the power of Confecrating Bifhops with two others : and the power of Convocating Provincial Synodsupon the Kings Prelcripr; and of mode- rating in them. The power of receiving Appeals, and of Vifiting the whole Provinces: yea to receive Appeals from the lower Judges, omit ing the middle ones ; and toexercife Ecciefiaftical- JurifdiEtion in any bcoftn, vacant Diocefs under them. They have [b] power of Difpenfation in Tab. y. all Calks (not judged contrary to Gods word) wherever the Pope had power; and where thePope had not power, if the King or Council per- mit it them. They may difpenfe"with the Eating of Real on Fafting-days, with Marrying without previous publication; with differs irregularities, and fometime mayabolifh fimoniacnm ambitum. They maygrantCommen- dams, and Difpence with Non- refidence, and with thekeeping of divers Churches called Benefices, in feveral Cafes, and with a Sons fhcceeding his Father, and 'with Lay-mens poffefftng the Church - maintenance, called Prebends. The Bifhops (who take place in Parliament of other Barons, as the coffin, Archbifhops : do of Dukes) [e] are all chofenreally by the King, who Tab. q. nominateth in a Writto the Dean and Chapter the man whom they mutt chufe; who -pro forma do chufe him, never contradiaing the Kings Nomination. Their proper Office confiifteth in the powers of Order and of .yurifdiFli- en, (as they diftinguifh them:) "Their power of Order is threefold, r. To OrdainPriefls and Deacons.' z ToConfccrate Churchesand Burying pia- ces 3. To Confirm Children after Baptifm, when they can fpeak and fay the Creed, Lords Prayer and Decalogue, and others that were not Confirmed in their Childhood. , Betides, that they may be Privy-Coun- fellors, Lord Keepers of the Great Seal, Lord Treal'urers, Embaffadours, &c. Their ordinary Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiftion'extendeth, r. tothe Inter- diEtion
( 7 ) diaion of Divine Offices, 2. to publick Admonitions and Penances, 3. to fufpenfion from the Sacrament, and from ingrefs into the Church, and 4. to Excommunication and Abfolution, and 5. toAnathematifms. And as te, Milliners, I. They may Sequefter Benefices. a. They may Sufpend ab officio beneficio, and forbid them to Preach or Pray ; Or grant Li- eenie to fuch as íhall be tolerated to Preach. ;.,They maydeprive; 4. And depofe.Miniftersby fentence verbal, and degradation actually. This Church Jurifdtftion of Bjfhops is diftinguifhed into Voluntary and Contentious ; Ed] The Voluntary extendeth to abundance of thingsgrant- ed themby Statute, andby Common Laws which I pals by That which d cal. Tab. they claim both by Municipal Law and Eçclefiaftical, is, 1. The probate e. of the Teftaments of the dead-; z. The granting Adminiftration ofGoods to the next ofKin, 3. Keeping the bona caduca where none claimeth the Ihheritance,, 4. To receive Rcatòns of Adminiftring, and to be Judges of them. y. To confer Benefices, or Irilleitute Path as others prefent:. 6. To grant Induftion to the Iníti used. 7. To receive the Fruits of vacant Be- nefices. 8..To allo v tb:: Vicar a fitproportion; 9. To grant Letters Di- millory, orTeftimocial. lo. To V ilk their Diocefs once in three years. In"which Triennial Vifitation, they ufually gó to one Town in a County,, (and never fee the face of the people in the many fcore or hundred Churches about them;) and thither, theyfummou the Minifters, and the Church-Wardens andSides-men , Where one. Minifter preacheth,and then the Miniítersmuff dine with the Bifliop, and inCourt he (or hisOfficer) giveth a Bookof Printed Articles, containingamultitude of particulars, which the Church-warden mutt f.aear toprefent by, where becaufe ofthe quality of them fome Church- Wardens refufe, and others becaufe of the nu,nbcr ; fome laying it is unlawful to undo their Minifters and Neigh- bours by fuch Frefentments (as for omitting a Ceremony, for preach- ingor keeping a Fait in private, &c.) and fome Paying it is impoffible to keep the. Oath, and fome faying that if they do it, they lhall behated of their Neighbours: Whereupon thofe thatrefufe are profecuted to punifh- ment; And the rent take the Oath and Articles ; but not oneofmany doth prelent accordingly; though theCanon enquiresafter the perjured. find` many that fear perjury or perfecution themfelves, do hire fome poor man to be Church-Warden in their Read, that will venture upon all. t muff intreat the Reader to perufe foine of their Booksof Articles (efpe- cially fuch as Bithop Mountagues and Bifnop Wrens) to fee what was then enquired after. Dr. Zoucbde ?ud. Ecclef. p. 37. S. i. Part. 3. faith , Ad judicesquod attinet f atato ordinatum, quodperfona conjugata dummodoDoElores Penis Civilisfuerint, qui adofricium Cancellasü, Vicarii eneralis, Officialis, vet Commiffarii ìs Majejlate Regia, Archiapifcopo, Epifcopo, Archidiacono' ant alio quocunque poteflatem habeute deputati font, omnem Jurifdiltionem Ecclef aflicam e.rercere, & quam libet cenfuram five coercitionem errogare paffnt. This Jurifdiction ofBithops is exercifed either Univerfally by a Vicar General, ufually a Layman; orqarticularly by aCommiil'ary.: [e] And Yc°f. Tab,`' whenhe pleafe the Bithop may do it himfelf. The
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