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C79) fhall be remitted, &c. Donot give the Presbyters all the Powerof bindingand loafing butfo much as the Bifhops or the Governours are prefumed to have thought fit to impart to them (which he faith is. I. The declaring in the Church the abfolutionof penitents after the Confellion. 2. The abfolving them by way ofprayer before the Sacrament. ;. And by Baptifmal waffling, and 4, Upon Confetïìon to the tick, and in private Conference, and Confeffi- on, &c. Whichyet he faith, [Is by Chriffs Authority committed to the Pres- byters.] 3. He faith,[Allthis willnot extend to the abfotvingfrom thebond ofex- communication, or proportionably to fuch power of binding, any further (at moll,) thau to confer thefirfl power of it ; which ifit be thengiven, doth yet ire- main (as the other Power of Preaching, and adminifiring the Sacraments )bound and refrained frombeingexercifed, till they befurther loo)ed by the donation ofa SecondPower.] Anf. But r. Either he was not able, or not willing, to tell us whether this Power be given the Presbyters or not. . For heavoideth it, by Paying [at moff] and ifit begiven.] Ifnot able, his ability mutt be plainly defici- ent as to thedecrfipn ofour main controverfieof the difference between Bithops and Presbyters, which dependeth on is : Ifunwilling, he was un- willingto give us any fo,lid fatisfaetory decifion of this Cafe. 2. Being his Neighbour, I wrote in his Life time, a Confutation of that Affertion, that the ordained received their Officeand Power properly from theOrdaineras the neereftEfficientof it,(in myDifput.ofOrdination, . in myDifpuf.ofChnrch- Governrnent)and I proved that thePower orOffice is immediately from Chrift, and that the Ordainers do butdelgn the Per - fon that (hall receive it, and Minifterially deliverhim potreflìon by an in- veiling Sign. 3. Either theOffice ofaPresbyter is ofDivine Inflitution; or ofHumane: Either fixed by the HolyGhoft in the Apoftles, immutably ; or made, and alterable by the Bilhops ? Ifthe Office be ofDivine inftitution, and for the Churchesconitantufe, whether by Chrift immediately or by the Holy Ghoft in the Apoftles.,) than it isnot in the Bilhops Power to Altar. it : And fowhatever the Ordainers pleafe to give them, is noneof the mea- fure of theirPower : As theArch- Bithop may Crown or anoint the King, and yetnot giúe him what [sower he picafe Or rather as it is of Divine appointment, that the Husband.Thon'd be the Governour of the Wife : And the that chooferh him, and he that Marricth them, cannot alter it,. nor do they give him his meafure ofPower as they pleafé, but fnppofe him endowed withthat by God, anddoonly choofe the. Perron that (hail re- ceive it; and Miuilteriallyinveft him in the Pofl'ellion of it. And if the Prieit that marriet r. them íhould by any wordsContradîa, or limit this in- itituttonofGod, it were. aNullity,. and invalid if he nobut fay, Ipro neunte you beuiband andWife He therefore pronounceth tire man to havethat Power ofa Husband whichGod bath given him, thougt he vainly fay af- ter, you fhall have but fo much, or fomuch of it. And bit is in prefent Care : If Gcdhave made the Minifterial Office, he hath made it fr..thing cc n.