Cg7) caufe they were-limited by Natural Impotency, and fo by Impoírbilities of doing more : BLit had it been by a Voluntary fetling themfelves in twelve Provinces to the neglect ofall the reft, the Cafe had been otherwife. But whilft they did their belt for the whole World themfelves, and Ordain- eel others to do the rest, they performed their Office. Thereneedeth nomore tobe faid as to thofe Ancients that name the A- ponies Bifhaps : Nor is their Epifcopacy, ifproved, any thing to ourCafe,. as{hall be manifefted. Cap. $. He thought he hadproved that Power in the Church is given by the Apofllesto the Bifhops only. Whereas (with Spalatenfis, and molt Chri- ftians) we hold it given to Chrift's Minifters, as fuch, and therefore to them all, though in an Eminency the Apostles only had it. And, tc Whereas he denyeth thePower of the 7o, becaufe they were not Apo- lUes, but Difciples: WeAnfiver, L. That Evangelifts and other Minifters. that were not Apoftles, had the Power oftheKeys. 2. Thattodeny-that the 7o were at leaft TemporaryApostles limited to the ?ews, afid had the powerof Preaching and working Miracles, wouldbe todeny the letter of the Text. And the Apoftles themfelves could not Govern Churches,- till they were gathered. z, Andyet ifneither they, nor john Baptift, in Baptizing, didexercife any power of the Keys (which he can never prove) it is nothing to our Cafe. 3. When will he prove that the Evangelifts and the Itinerant Afliltants of-theApoftles, had not the power of theKeys ? When themfelves com- monly fay, that the higher Orders contain the powers of the lower ? And are the Bithops higher than the Evangelifts ? 4. Nay, when will he prove,- that ever anyPresbyter was Ordainedby `the Apoftles, or by any others as they appointed, without the power ofthe Keys? It would weary one that lovech not confufion and loft la- labour, toread longDifcourfes ofthePower of the Keys or Government, wh'.ch diftinguifh not the Government of the Laity or Flocks, from the Government ofthe Minifters themfelvès? and that abufe the Church by feigning an Officeof Presbyters that are not Presbyters, and proving that- Church-Governors are not Church- Governors? For what is the Office of the Presbyter or Paftor elfentiàlly, but a Stated Power and obligation to Teach and Govern the People, and Worihipas their mouth and guide ?' Cap. 6. He feemeth, by denying the Evangrltffs the power of the Keys, . andof Church-teaching,, and making them meer Preachers to the Infidels,. to favour the ludependants Opinion, who think the LaymenPent forth are todo that work. Bur, i. Mat. 2S. L9, 20. Ch rift maketh fuch Officers as mull-Preach andBaptizeand gather Churches among the Infidels before they govern them, to he them that he will be wi tit to the endof the World.. And the fame men- had the Powerof teaching the Churches when they were gathered, as is there exprelfed. a. Call them by what name you willj. fuels Itenirants- wereufual in the Apoftles dales, as Silas, Apollo, andma- ny