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(88) ny more.- 3. It was not the twelve Apeftics only thzt Ccnverted the World, but fuch other Mitifters, that were called thus to Imbour by them, or by the Spirit:mtnediately. fofephofflrimathea is laid bymany tohave preachedhere, and in other Countries. 4. What man will dream that when there went abroad the World to convex t men, they were the fixed Bifhops ofparticular Churches firft, which they thus forfook ? 5. Who will believe that :ofeph, Silas, Apollo, Luze, Marl¿, Nathaniel, Philip, or anyother, whenthey had converted any City, or Countrey, had no power After to teach them as aChurch, or give them the Lords Supper, no nor toBaptize them firft, nor to ordain them Bifhops, and fettle them in order, but muff either have an Apoftle or a CityBithop to come thither after them to do it ? Such Fancies are obtruded on the Church, becaufe the one Minifterial or Prieftly Office is firft difinembred, and then new Officers feigned to bemadeup ofthe feveral Limbs. Cap. 7. As he rob'd theEvangelifis of thePower ofthe Keys, he would now rob all the meet Presbyters ofit; and all £without IhewofScripture proof) from fuchwords ofCanons or Ancients as fay the Presbyters !hall do nothing without the Bithops. r: As if the Presbyters were no Rulers of theFlocks, becaufe the Bifhops are Rulers of the Presbyters? As if a Judge ora Juftice wereno Governour, becaufe he is under the King? 2. 0 Cruel Bithops that will undertake to do that for the Souls of many hun- dred Parithes, whichmany hundred Miniftersare too little for, that the Soulsofmen and their owntogether may be damn'd by the Omiffion of it ! Ifthe power of the Keys beappointed for mens Salvation, they perfidi- oully betray them that thruft out the many hundreds that Ihould do it, pretending that it belongeth toone man among themany hundred that can- not do it., But of the Bithops great undertaking, I molt fay more anon. Cap. 8. Of the Chortpifcopi there is little that concerneth us, faving that he cometh near to grant us all that we delire, while that 4 15 he faith that Learnedmen believe that in the Cnurchofone Region,ofold there was but oneAltar, fo that Ignatius rightly conjoyneth le 9votaçohiov and ivy éaío cnnv : And all Schifinaticks were fetid to fee up Altar againfl Altar. As Cypr. deVnit. Ecele. áp..4o.7z, 7 3 ] This is the fum ofall that we plead for. And§. 29. he mentioneth the Chorepifcopis as immitating the 70, when yet he had de nied the -o, tohave the power ofthe Keys, which he fuppofeth theCho- ropifcopi tohave under theBithops. Of Clemens words in due place. Cap. 9. About the fence ofa Canon varioully read. And Cap. to. Whether Eutychius Alexandrines erred in one thing.; and therefore werenot to bebelieved inanother,are little pertinent to our bufinefs. In his 4th. Dilfert.theCÀp. I. is but Proem, but Cap. 2. he tells us that the Apoftles as Bithops Governed theChurches which they had planted, with- out the mediation of a Colledge of Presbyters (all ways) and he bringeth not a word to prove it,' but r Cor. 3. 6. Ton have not Many' FMhos sáf is