Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

(92). that followeth in that Chapter, and your Book, of fames the yufl, and Mark, and others having Epifcopal power, is nothing againft us The thing that weput you to prove is, that ever the Apoftiesordained filch an Officer as a Presbyter that hath not EpifcopalPower andObligation too, as to his Flock ; that is, the Power of governing that Church according to God's Word. And I would learn, if I could, whether allthe Apoftleswhich ftaid long at yorufalem, while fames-is fuppofed to be their Bifhop, were not Bithops alto with him? Whether they ceafed to be Apofties to thePeople there.? Or whether they were Apofties, and not Bithops? And whether they loft any of theirPower bymaking yams Bifhop? And whether one Church then had not many Bithops at once ? And if they made games greater than themfelves, Whether according to your Premonition they did net giveaPoweror Honour which they had not (whichyou thinkunanfwera- hie inour Cafe) ? Cap,' 4. come in the Angels of the Churches, Rev. i, 2, G 3 of which` (though the matter be little to our Caufe) I have Paidenough before, why I prefer the Expoftion of Ticonira, which Augufline feemeth to favour, And I findnothing here to thecontrary that needeth a Reply. Cap. y. he wouldprove the Angels to beArchbifhops; which if done, would not touchour Cauf, who meddle not with Archbifhops, but onely prove,that the full Paftoral or Epifcopal Office or power ofthe Keys as over -the-Flock, ihouldbe found in every particular Church that hath unozm Altae..: To pro e Metropolitans (again) he tells us; how. that in Provinces we find [Churches] mentioned in the Plural number, and in Cities only [a Church] fingularly : not perceiving how hereby he overthrowshis Caufe, whenhe can never provethat inScripturemanyparticularChurchesarecalled [AChurch] Diocefane or Metropolitan, as united inone Bishop, as our Diocefane and Metropolitan Churches now are. Nay indeed., though the Society befpecified by the Government, yet the Name fticketh in their °teethhere inEngland, - and they feldom ufethe Title of the Church of Can- terbury andMelt] for the wholeProvince; and they- ufe to fay the Diocefe of Lincoln, London, :Whnehefler, Worcefler, Coventry. andLitchfield, &c. ra- ther than [the Churchof Lincoln, London, Coventry andLitchfield, &c.] left the Hearers would fo hardlybe feducedfrom theproper fenfe of.the word [Church] as notto underftand them. His Proofs of the Civil or Jewifh diftinetion of Metropolitans,.°4, y, rrc. let themmind that think it pertinent But $:'9 we have a great word, that [-le may be proved by many examples, that after this Image the Apples took care every there to difpofe of the Churches, and conflstuted a fstbordination and dependence of the lefferon the more eminentCities, in- all their Plantations.] Afro. This is to force purpofe, if it be made good Thefiat Inftance'is Aar a4.2ó, r6.ß. andig.2,3a2,2,23,3o. Not a word elfeoutof Scripture.. And what'shere ?. Why,"Paul and Bdrtrabas are fent to 7e- a c ufakne