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I00 becaufe none Itch were infttuted when the Apofile wrote : To which I add, nor afterward by the Apostles, asfar as canbe proved, and therefore never lhould have been. Cap. 27. He fpeaketh of the npfa,3cis and orp aWrtAht Tit.I. nnd z.and t Tim.. !hewing that thefe Women were in Orders : Of whiçl4 I , have no mind to contend, fo that by the Name it be not inferred that they are the- Bithops ; and that they argue not as a Preacher did lince we werefilen- ced ( I can name the Man and place ) fromSt.-Yohn's Epiftle [to the Eleft Lady] to prove that there were Lord-Bithops in the Apoftles dales, viz. anEledLady fuppofeth an Eleft Lord : But there are noEled Lords, but Eleft Lord-Bithops : Ergo.--- Wehave not yet feen all Dr.Hammond's confutation ofour Diocefan Pre- lacie. Inhis fifth Differtation wehave more.Cap. a. He fpeaketh of Clemens Rom. and whereas we think that the confufiónamong Hiftorians, came partly fromthe little notice that came down from thole times of fuchparti- culars, and partly from the identity of the Office of Linus, Clears, and Clemens ; being all Bithops at onceof a great Church (the Half-Presbyters beingnot yet ordained) he gratifyeth us by proving that not only at Rome, butalfo in Antioch, EpheJus,Corinth, and 7erufalem, there weremore Church- esthan one, with their léveral Bithops ; Evenone of theYews and one of the Gentiles (hew thelocal Diocefe were then divided is hard to tell, and . where it was that one Apoftle had Power of the Keys, and where not) I (hall improve this Conceffion in due place. Cap. z- Of Clements Epiftle he fielt takes notice ofthe Infcription [ to the Churchof God, dwelling (or fojourning) at Corinth] The fame Phrafe as Philip. 1. 1,2. And by this Church he proveth (by confident affirming) that all theChurches of Achaiaare meant. And that the fame is to be laid of Paul'sEpiftle to the Corinthians, he unrefiftibly proveth, by faying that .Quifyuii earvelleviler degufiaverit(tuo fcilicetgufiu)hoc omninopronunciandunx effinobifcumflatlet. NecigiturdehaeClementisambigi poterie.] And fo all that Controverfie is ended. But though (without Scripture proof) imagi- nationmight handfomely feign, that the many Churches of Achaia are called fingularly [the Church ofCorinth,] as one,becaufeof the Unityofthe Metropolitan; yet, r. I would have heard f mewhat like reafon for, and Tome inftancesof the ufe of inch a fpeech, as this [ isu Anola A soli 4 7Cotxéou Pwµnv, , lat,ailola rsi 9:x zaesaon e6ptv.5os ] The Church of God dwelling. (or fo- journing) at Rome, to the Church of God dwelling (or fojourning) at Corinth. And why and where,and by what good writers; all Achaia is called-Corinth, orall Macedonia, Philippi (or all the Cities about it) indeed as the County of Worcefier, the Countyof Tork, of Warwick, &c. are ¡dual Titles, fo, may the Churchof rank, Worcefier, Warwick, be in the Diocefans fenfe. But whoever Paidof all theCounty or Diocefs [To the County, Diocefs,dwel. ling at 7ork, Worcefler, Warwick ? ] As if all the Countrey andTowns be- longing co that Circuit were called Warwick, &.c,. .2. Doth: