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( I I t ) call it) was infeituted by God, and felled in the Church as neceffar9 by his Spirit, and Law, or not : lfhe do, then.. i. Whether the workofthefe Presbyters, a ter the inftitution,be not the workof theirawnOfce,and not(in the individual alts) the Bithops? As Evewas a Rib of Adammateriàtly,but when the was a woman,fle wasno part of Adam, nor her acts like his ads ; and foofall woman-kind thereaf- ter. 2. Whet'`er tieBrfhop any other way commit the workor Officeto him, thanby callinghimto an Office which God hit-Miff had made or inftituted, and Mi.- nifterially invefting him in it as a Servant (that bathno landof his own)may be fax by his Matter to inveft another in fumeLaud which he bath given him, by a Legal Solemn delivery ofpoffefliion ; or asa Stewardmay fend filch Reapers into his Ma- ilers field as his Mailer did before exactly defcribe to him ? C,hrift being the onlymaker of the Office, and punctual deferiber of it, and the Biflrop, people,and Magiftratesaltogether, doingno more but choofethe Perfon defcribed as fit, and deliver him polTUionof place. But if he thought that the Biifliop himlelf Both make the Presbyters Office, by parting his own, and fo giving him as much as he thinketh fit, I (hall (name this Opinionin due place. Pag. 532. (and in his Differt.) be would make us believe that (Polycarp'sEpiftle, and fo) Clement's [to the Church oe isoeav fcóety v] were to be interpreted exten- fively as relating to mtporxía, to the Church in the Parini, that is the ffiocefs, of Corinth., or Province of Acbaia: And fohe diflorteth Phil. 1.1. and other places; but in all his Citations givethusnot a word of proof, that oraporxin fignifieth to dwell in the Circuit or extent of a Diocefs, and not limply to fajsurs or dwell. As if ,t agvaire were derived from env. oxia, and as if the first notion of orapoxia"were a-Diocefs, or a City with its Territories : As Pat. Toung faith on Clemeí's Epift. pr a. [cum idemfit taros rguod orapoitih ut videre eft ffatim in initio libri Ruth &-alibi aped 7o : which he further proveth, yea and by an old Infcriptionof an Altar brought from Delos, &c. fee the place. And we took it to be agreed 'on that aveto,odn in its ftrilt fence is but habito tanquam peregrines, advena Jam; and in its ufual larger fenfe, juxta habito, accolo, fum proximas, vicinus accola. And vn'000fa oraponaioes but incolatus & vicinia & habitatiopropinqua ; a place of cohabitation, or a neighbourhood : As we (till take cohabitation to be a neceffary qualification or difpofitio materia of a Church-member (ofthe fame particular Church, contrary to the Dfocefan state, where the Members never fee each other, norhear of their Names.) And though oaporxia in procefs of time (as Bifhops enlarged their Dio -cef or Church) came to lignifie a wholeCountry, or Circuit as largeas a Diocefs did, yet no man can prove that it was fo from the beginning of the Churches; or dignified any determined (pace ofground, beyond the habitation of the members of one Worfhipping Church or Congregation : Even as qyatond db cía is not to build in the.fame Diocefe, but near or in the fame Neighbourhood; and ornteno't;ar is not to fet ones dwelling in the fame Diocefs, but vicinity That ordpono& alfo in its ftrilteft fìguification is but inquilinas a fojourner, and in its largeft;ootvorxi-- a cohabitant, but in both fignifieth a Neighbour (and not ftrangers dwelling out of thenotice of each other through a Diocefs) is fo fully (hewedout of many Authors by the Bafil Lexicon (publifhed by Henr. Petr. 1568) that 1 need not add to it. And the Authors of that- Lexiconfuppofe, that thethird (the Church) fignification is