{ ßz,`3) fhould forbid himonpretenfe that it is his Diocefs where - another bath nothing to do. Butasunoccupied Countriesbelong to any occupant, fra an Infidel Country belongeth toany preacher that bath opportunity to convert them. And if a Diocefane prohibit fuch preaching, he is tobe negle&ed or reprehended, but not obeyed. Yet I deny not, but pru- dence maydirect preachers (as it would dooccupants in the aforefaid cafe)todiflribute theirlabours fo asonemay not hinder but helpanother: But that is not a Lawof propriety otherwife thanas mutual confent ob- ligeth. And it is, but the determinationof circumilances, and that not about anypart of a Church, and therefore nothing to the conflitution of aChurch. . And as is (hewed, as Chrifi Pent hisDifciples out by two and two, fo the Apoflies oft went two tog/ther, or anApolIle and anEvangelift, which (hewed that noone claimedthe Diocefs. But hill, were it other - wife, Infidelsare not of theChurch. C A P. IX. Whether converting a Diecefe :give right to the Converter to to . their Bifhop or Governour. i: W E deny not, but that Converts owe apeculiar love andrefpe& to thofe as their fathers in Chrif which did convert them; which Paul claimethof theCorinthians. 2. And we deny not but caterir parilur, thatman being as fit a man as others, and hisabode being near- er,and his Church beingnot full, but capable of them, this advantage (hould encline his converts, to choofe him rather than another for their Pallor, But yet converting them as filch giveth him not a right to govern them as their Pallor , nor neceffitateth them to choofe him : As I prove. r. Becaufe a Layman (as vrunzentiusand Edefias and Origen, &c.) may convert men, whoare not Pa fors to themor any. 2. BeeaufeConverfion and Bapti('n as fuck is but mens ad'mißion in- to theVniverfal Church (as in the Eunuchs cafe,Aëf. 8 , is manifeft) and not into any particular Church: It uniteth them toChrift, but not to a. ny particular Pallor : For they Baptize not into their own name. 3. Becaufe when twoor threego together, as Pahl and Barnabas, Silar, Ïi"mothy, Luke, &c. it is to be luppofed that one converteth not all, but one fore and another tome;, and therefore if converting gave right there mull be many Bilhops and Churches in a place. . Becaufe when aChurch is fettled, a Irrange preacher that corneal R 2 afar