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can know one another byneighbourhood and 'Come conver- fition and fometimes affembling ( like a great Parifh with many Chappels) had but fomuch power as is effential to a true particular Paflor and Church ; yeaor but the powerthat a freeTutor, Philofopher or Phyfician háth, to manage his officeby his skill, and not asan Apothecary or weer executor ofa ftrangers dilates,"we thould quietlyfubmit. Fr. And aswe refufe not filch ßifhops (evendarwte vita6° . capacitate) in everyChurch or City that is Corporation; fo if it pleafe either the King, or the Churches by his permifliort to give one grave and able man'a general care of many Churches, (as even the Scots fuperintendents had at their re- formation, as Spotfinood of Lothian , &c.) not by violence to filence, and opprefs, but by Meer Paftoral power, and only 'filchasthe Apoftles them(Ives ufed to inftrud junior Paftors., to reprove, admonifh, . e. we refill not : And fo ifGodly 4l iocefans will become Arch-bifhops only of this fort, and promote our work inflead of hinderingit, we {hall fubmit.:, though we cannot' Swear approbation, it being a thing that Chriftian Minifters may doubt of, and no Articleof our Creed. la. And if the King do cumulate wealth and honour on them, and give them their place in Parliaments, to keep the Clergy from contempt, yea,or truft any of them under him as Magiflrates with the Sword, =whether we like it or not, we fháll peaceably fubmit, and obey them as Magiflrates. 13. And iffor. order lake thefe D'iocefans fbould have. a megative voice (uniefs in cafes of forfeitureor neceffity) iv . the ordination'ofMiniftersto the Church universal, not tak- ing away the power of particular Churches to choofç, or at leaft freely content or tlificnr, as to the fixing of t aflors o- ver themfelves, wewould fubmit toall thisforcommon peace. 'Specially if the i *fag Irate only choofe men to Benefices and Magillracies, andnone had 'the Pafloral powersof the Keyes, but by the Electionof the Clergy and the peoples content, whichwas the judgment and practice et-the univeìfal Church, from the beginning ofEpileopacy till oflate. t4. And 'laftly we hold the Magifirate the only Cover ,our by tile S\vo rci, as well C f Pc.f aS Of P.1 f .1PS