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( 129) will not fü`fñceof it felftomake one Primary Church ; though it may makeone Compounded or General Church conteining many Churches and Bithops. 2. And the nature of the thing tellethus, that as the People, havetheir Pieties and Privìledges as well as the Pa(lors, fo the people mull be united among themfelves, by 'tome common Relation, conteining Power ofand Obligation to that duty, and capacity of that pri- viledge: Which is pall all doubt among knowing:men. Wherefore an uncapablcbody cannot be made one Primary Church, by the unityof a Prelate. 3. But aswe diftinguifh ofa Church jingle and compoundedof* 'many, particularandG.eneral, Primaryand Secondary, (all which termes! use to beclearly understood), fodo we alfo of Bishops or Pastors : which are particular Bifhops of one Church , or General Bishops of many Churches. Ofthe firltfort we confefs all that is faid po'fitivcly, that is, that one filch Bi(hopmaltethone Church. .Becaufe the very nature of his office, as fhallbe after (hewed, doth fuppofea capable fociety. It being his o#lice in prefence perfonally to condut`} them which a General dill- ant Bifhop cannot do, fo that indeed, one Prefent Pallor (or more) of aflock by Chridiianityand Vicinity capable, and by confine united with hint andone anytherfor prefential Communionin publickworfhipand holy converfam tion, ore the c-ppnftitutive parts by which a Primary Church is effentiated and Muff be d¢tined. Obi. But ,e4)en the Presbyterians jay ,that many worshiping congre.;atiors may make up one Governed Church, though each congregation have ordinary Communion in the Sacrament, &c. among themfelves diffinel from the refi': becaufe they may be all united in the Government of one Presbytery. Qnd our ordinary Pari/hes have Chappels in them, and yet areone Church. Auf. ï. We mull be excufed f om fubmitting now to the opinions of Presbyterians oranyother party, while we are giving anaccount ofour own judgment in the cafe. 2. The Presbyteriansarenot all ofa mindin that point, whethereach of thofe Parilhes be not a true political Church, and have not its own plenary Palloror Bifhop, and filcha Government as belongeth to a par- ticular Church, though (as they all think) fábordinate to a Presbytery ofmany Churchesconjuntt t or as forne call it) of oneChurch denomi- nated fo from the higher Government. 3. And as to our Chappels ordinarily they are but places for the Af. femblingof fuch as by age or foul weatheror weaknels cannot travaile to the Parifh Churches, and they are for diltance ani number in thofe Parilbes that have them, nomore or other, than may coot It rot only with the personalacquaintance ofthe membersofthe Parïtla Church, but alfo with the frequent Communion of them all, by earner is the fame Parifh Church, if they pleafe to travaile to it, as they may, So that theft Chappell ofea. they are commonly called, are not inconfillent withall -the fore - defcribcd ends and dutyesof Church-members: And even the Independants do confefs that age, dillance . persecution, &t, S may