H in Martyr's Apolog. We had rather die for the con- fetitonof one Faith, then either lie or deceive them that ex- amine us : Otherwife we might readily ufe that Common faying, my Tongue is Cworn, my mind is unfworn (vid.Rob. Abbot s old w ayp. 5'.) Thorndike of forbearance of Penalties.. It is to no purpofe to talk of reformation in the Church unto regular Govern - rpent, without rettoring the Liberty of choofing Bithops, and the Priviledge of Inloying then, to the Synods, Clergy and people of each Diocefs. So evident is the right of Sy- nods, Clergy and people in the makingof this of whom they contiít, and by whom they are to be governed, that I need make no other reafon of the negle& of Epifcopacy, . than the, r gle t ofit.. B THE