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( 147 ) Megifirates Goverìitstcnt: But if that will prove that he mày be punifhect for not repenting and returning to the Church when Excomunieate, it will prove too that he might be punifhed before Baptifin, for not repent . ing and being baptized. For though there be tome aggravations of his fin that Apollatizeth to it, yet that differeth thecafe but as to the degree. It is forthe quality of the crime it1lf, thát the Magiltrate is topunifh (as Murder,Theft,Adultery,Blafpiemy &c.) Whether it be in theunbaptized, or baptized, or exéomunicatc: But it is for 7mpenitency only in forte crime that the Church Both excommunicate. And if the Magiftrate muff imprifon or kill men properly for lmpenitencie, it Mull be as it aggravateth the crime itfelf, and it maybe as well the unbaptized as the baptized, for he is the Governour of both: It is therefore a meet fiction of Papilis Church Tyrants, that there is filch a difference between the unbaptized and the excommunicate, as that the full mull not have Churchpriviledges till they dilìre them, and the later may have them ifthey bebut commpelled to keep them, orrèturn to them by the fword. And fo fchifmaticaly different are they from the Catholick Church for many huttdered years after Chrift, as direly tocontradict them. For all the Canons as well as the Hiflory tell us, that all the antient 'Churches when they had excommunicated a firmer, would not receive him till he had penitentlybegged readmiflinn : Yea theyufcd to calf down themfelvesontheearth(as even greatTheodofiesdid before Ambr,ifewhen but fufpended), and to beg pardon and readmiflion with tears : nay for great faults, this was not received till many months oryears continued penitence, filmed their delires to be fincere; and now Prelates muff have a Blafphemer, or a common Drunkard,cornpelled bythe fword to fay that he repenteth, that he may the next day have the honour and priviledge of a Chriflian Communicant, whether he will or not. O ki nd-natured- cruell-Church! And when Cyril of Alexandria began to ute the fword, and when the Circumcellian Donatiis tempted Aug?Rine to change his opinion about tiling force in matters of Religion a yea and when Itbacius and'hispar- takers offended Martin andAmbrofe. by flirting upMaximus again[! the PrifcillianiJts, none of all this was to force there Hereticks by the fword, to Communicate in the Church before they had (heweda voluntary re'= pentance, nor to make them Church - members againff their wills, even that Ithacius whomHooker himfelf aeknowledgeth fo bad, was not, fo foolifh : But only they would have forced them from their own waies, and punifhed them as feducers of the people, and as difturbers of the Churches purity and peace. Though yet it is tooevident, that the pride and paillon of the Prelates that were orthodox, did quickly and fiercly flame out to the conflagration of the Churches, when they found that the Chriflian Emperours wereready to ferve their paillons with the fWord It is than paft denial, that all the power of Bithops or any' Parlors is but the m'nnagemment of the mord of God, upon the Confcienees of men V a that