(154) the perfon in his life ? It hath ever been confeffed to be part of the Baptizers work, though under the Government of Magifirates, and in thaChiarch theprefent Bilhop is notden yed a negative vote or a guiding ji dgment in the affair. 4. Thevery fame throughout isto be laidof judgingwhat individual perfòns in a Parifh are grown up to a capacityof the Lords Supper ;. (whitherit be done in confirmation or at any other time) certainly theymuff renew their baptifnal Covenant, and moreover underhand. the fenfe of the Sacrament, &c, But: (hall the Diocesan that never Teeth one of an hundred of his Dioce(è judge of every one ofthere ? I will flay no longer on fisch inftances; I thinkwe need no more.. III. I:fthe cafes of Teflaments, Adminiftrations, Lícenfes to mar 2y, judgement of cafes ofdivorce, difpenfatiors and fuch like be pre- tendedas the proper works of Bifbops, I think I need not flay tocon. fitte them, while it isknown that fomuch as is not every Pallets work . in it, belongeth to the Magifrate , and is done among us by his Com. mifIlon, and that ufuallyby Laymen. I V, We have therefore the Government of the Miniflers themfelves to (peak of next, which conflleth, z,. In ordination, 2. Inllituting and indLéling, Licenfing, q Sufpending, ejedîing, fiencing and degrading. a, And ordination being that great and notablework, which ancient- ly was taken to be all thatwas proper to the Bilhop, by many of the Fa- thers , as well as Hierome , this above all mull be well confidered. And a. Let us confider ofthe Reafons for it ;- and 2. Ofthe different cafes. a. The Kafons given for appropriatingordination to Dtocefans, or Bifliops a re there, æ; Becaufeno man can give that which he bath not: a. Becaufe it is an aE of fuperiority: 3. Becaufe none but Bithops ever did it in Scripture times, or fince without the Churches condem- nation. a. The firft ofthefe reafonsDr. HammondPremon. Dii Pert. isearneft in urging._ To which I fay, a. It is granted, that no man giveth that which be bath;n.st. But Presbjters have the office of Presbyters, therefore by your . luppoiìtion) theymay give it. Obj. But (faithLes) Presbyters had never apowergiven by the ordainers. toordain. Anf I deny it, and prove tine contrary (whatever the ordainers mean) z . Thofc who in their,ordination hadan Ofhce,Poweror Keys ofChrilts. snaking,, conteining the power of, ordination, delivered to them Mi- nifierially, had the, power ofordination delivered to them Minifterial- ly : But all true Pafìors or, Presbyters ordained in Englandhad an Of- tee, Power or Rs yes of Chrifls making, conteining the powerof ordi- nationdelivered to them Minifterially. Ergo they had thepower ofor- dilution fodelivcsed._ Nothin&peeds proof bau. the Minor. And, t...` That'