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'7Cges n elobírine, worthip; ánd elf feiplinel and no other proved by the S'eriptxre: Chap. 1-3. Thefame confirmed by the Ancients. Chap.4t4. Andby theConfejjions of the greateft and learnedeft Prelatijis.. Chap. 15. Whether this Government belonging to the Presbyters be in- Toro Ec- clefiafìicoexteriore,. or on?),in foro Confcientiæ, vet interiore. Chap. 16. That the Englifh Diocefane Government doily change this'Ofce of á: Presbyter of God's inftitution, quantum in fe, into anotherof humaneinven- , lion. The differenceopened. TwentyMilonce: of taking array the Presbyters powerfrom them. Chap. 17. That thegreat changeofGovernment hitherto defcribed (the :raking ofa newfpecier ofChurcher,Bijkops andPresbyters, anddepofing the old) was "fofully'done; andnot according to tke intent of the Apoftles. Chap. i8. Argument fourth frootlee impoffibility of their performance of the Epifcopal Office ina DiocefaneChurch : And the certain exclufion anddeftru- ¿lion of theperticularChurch Government;while one man only will undertake a worktoo-greatfor many hundreds, when their work, is further opened inper- ', ticulars. Chap. 19. Thefame impofbilityproved by experience. 1. Ofthe ancient Church 2. OftheForeign Churches. 3.0ftbeChurch of England, 4. Ofourflves. Chap. 20. Ohjeétiont againft Parifh difcipline anfwered.. The need of it proved. Chap. 2 r. The blagiftratesftbord. z. Is neitherthefirength ofChurchdijcipline. 2. Nor will ferve inftead of it. 3. Nor fhould be too much ufed to feeand and. enforce it. The mifcheif} ofenforcing men to Sacramental Communion, ,open- .ed in twenty iüftances. Chap. 22. An Anfwer to the Objettions, j.NoBilhop, no King. a.Of theRe. hellions and Sedition:ofthem that havebeen againft Bithops. Chah. 23. Certain briefconfetïarie:, Chap. 24. Some 7eftimonies of Prelatifis themfelves of the late "late of the Churchof England, its Bithops andClergy, left we be thought to wrong them, in our deferiptionof them, and theirfruits. "Chap.25. 76íe Ordination lately exercìfidby the-Presbyters in England, when ,,theBithops wereput down by the Parliament, is valid, and Re ordination not -to berequired jure dìvino,asfüppofingit null. -