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I (hall therefore now prove, a. That the Churches of the Holy Ghofts in- ftitution were no more numerous, or were fuch tingle Congregations. And that they had each fuch Bi(hops and Paftors will he proved partly herewith, and partly afterward. 2. And that fuch Churches do totafpecie differ from the Diocefane Churches, and from our prefent Parith Churches as they define them, and are inconfi- ftent with them. And the firft I (hall prove, a. From the Holy Scriptures. 2. From the Confeffions ofthe Diocefanes. 3. From the teftimony of Anti- quity. All proving fully that the ancient Epifcopal. Churches were but fuch tingle Societies or Congregationsas I have defcribed, and fuchas our Dioceffes ofmany hundred Churches are different from, and inconfiftent with. CHAP. III. That theprimitive Epifcopal Churches of the HolyGhofis Inflitution, were but fad) Congregations as afore de- fcribed. ¡'Hefe following particulars fet together, I think will by the Impartial be j taken for full proof. a. In all the New Teftament, where ever there were more ftated focieties than one, for publick worthip as afore defcribed, they are called [Churches] in the Plural Number, and never once [a Church] in the Singular Number ; except when the Vniverfal Church is mentioned which containeth them all. This is vifible in 44i7.9.3t;and r 4.41.and 16.5. Róm.16.4, and 16. 1 Cor.7.17. and ir. 16. and 14. 33,34. (unlefs that mean the feveral meetings of the fame Affembly at feveral times) and 16. I, 19. 2 Cor. 8. I, 18, 19,23, 24. and I r. 8, 28. Gal. I. 22. I rhef. 2. 14. 2 7heff.1. 4. Rev. 1. 4,11, 20. and 27,11,17,29. and 3.6,53,22,23. and 22. 16. If any fay, how prove you that all theft were but Tingle Congregations, I anfwer, 1. It is grantedme by all that thefe plural terms [ Churches] included many tingle Congregations. 2. I (hall prove anon that the molt of the par- ticular Churches named in Scripture were but fuch Congregations. 3. And no man can give me any proof that a Society confifting of divers fuch Congre- gations is any where called [a Church] fingularly : And therefore we are not to believe that the plural term meaneth many fuch fingulars, as are no where fingularly named. 2. Particular Churches are defcribed fo inScripture as fully proveth my a- foxefaid limitation and defcription. As a Cor. 11. i6, 18, 20, 22. When ye come