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(7)_ come together in the ;Chrlrcb Ihear that there bR . dzvif ant amo;tg yix. A. Church confined ofEach as carne together. When ye come together into one place, thisit not to eat the Lords Supper. And it is the Affemblies that are called Churches, when he faith [We have no fuch cu- ./kin, or the Churches of God.] So z ,Cos. x 4.4. He that prophefteth edifieth the Church] that is, the Afï'ein- bly that heareth him, and not many hundred fuch Affemblies that are out of hearing. Verf. 5. Except he interpret that the Church may receive edifying. Verf. 12. Seekthatye may excel to the edifying of the Church. Obje&.May not the whole Church be edified per.partes ? 11nf. Yes, but it muft be perplums vel diverfis vicibus. Not at once by the fame man, if.the far great- en part ofthe Church be abfent. Obj. But is not the whole man edified (naturally or morally) by the edification of apart ? Alfa,. Yes, if it be a noble part : Becaufe the whole man being na- turally One, by the unity of the foul or form, there is a natural Communion andCommunication from part to part : But one Corporation in a Kingdom, . may be edified or enriched without the wealth or edification of the refl.: And this Text plainly fpeaketh of Immediate Edificationofthat Church that heareth, and this at once, and by one fpeaker. SoVerf. a9. In the Church I had rather fpeak one word with my underfianding, that Imay teach others. Here theChurch is plainly taken for the Afl"embly. Verf. 23. If therefore the whole Church be come together in one place, and 'peal¿, with tongues,] what can bemore exprefly fpoken to thew that it is not only a part ofthe Church, but the whole which cometh together into one place. So Verf. 24. 1f there be no Interpreter let him keep filence in the Church. ] So Verf. 34. For God is not the Author of Confuf:on, but of ,Peace, as in allthe Churches ofthe Saints. So Verf. r 4 Let your women keep Ante in the. Church, for,it is afhamefor wo- men to fpeak in the Church. So Ml. r I. 26.- A wholeyear theyof imbled themfelves with the Church, and taught muchpeople.._ "4.14. 27. When they were come, and hadgathered the Church together, they rehearfed all that God had done by them. A&. 15.3; And they were brought on their wayby the Church,] which muff lignifie fuch a number as might . be called the Church, when part was but for the whole, at leaf'. A&. a. i. Tho.were all with one accord in one place; which it's like was all the Church with the Apoflles. Verf. 44. 46. And all that believed were together, And they continuing ,daily, with one accord in the Temple, &c. , Mi. 4.. 3r, 32. And the place was fhaken where they were affembled together.. And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart, and of one foul. A&. 5.12. And they were all with one accord in Solomon's Parch, and of the reg durff no marljoyn bimfelf to them. . If