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(9) This made Igñâtius (as after cited) fay, that The Bifhop muff lookafter "or take .aceattnt of eachperfon as much'as Servants and Maids. Obje6h But there may be more in aParifh than a Miner can know. Anfw. If a Parifli may be too large for a Bifhops work, how little reafon have they to make a Church,and take the Paftoral Care of many hundred Parifhes? 2. We muff judge by the ordinary common cafe. In a Parifha Minifter may know every one, except it be Tome few firangers or retired perfons, or except it be a Parifh or Church of toogreat a fwelling bignefs : But in a Diocefs of many hundred Churches, it is not one ofa hundred that the Bifhop will ever know. 3. I know by experience what may be done, whatever llothful perfons fay ; I had aParifhofabout three or four thoufand fouls ; (AMarket Town with twenty Villages) and except three orfour Families that refufed-to come to me, (whom yet I knew by other means) Iknew not only the perfons but the mea- fures of all oralmoft all their underftandings, in theTown, and my afliftants in the Villagesknew the reft, by perfonal conference, each family coming to us by turns. 4. And where a Church is too large for one, there may be and mull beafìïftant Minifters, and that may be done by many, which cannot be done by one alone. Obje6. So may a Bifhopand his Presbyters in a Diocefs. Anfw. In a Diocel of many Churches, the Presbyters only know the people, and do the Minifte- 'rial Office for them, except in fome one orfew Churches where the Bifhop dwells and fometimes preacheth : But in the fame Church, all the Minifters preach to the fame perfons ordinarily, (per vices) and they all know them, and all watch over them, though they aflìfI each other in particular offices for them. There is much difference' between a School-matter and his affiftants in the fame School, and one School-mafter onlywith feveral Ufhers in manyhun- dredSchools. As there is betweena Mailer, Miftrifs, and Steward ruling the fame Family, and one Matter withStewards ruling many hundredFamilies ; (of which more anon.) 3. Another 'part of the Bifhops work in thole times was toBaptize : 'For it was part of the Apoftles work; Matth. 28. 19, 2o. And how great a work that was, to try the peoples due preparations, and to fee that they did under- ftandingly and ferioufly what they did, I defire no other proof than thegreat care taken in all the ancient Churches of this bufinefs, which brought up the Cullom of baptizing but twice a year. Obje6l. The Apoftles baptized three thoufand at once. Anfw. The Jews were fuppofed to be bred up in the knowledge ofother parts of Religion, and wan- ted only the knowledge of the true Mefliab, and his Salvation, which might be taught them iná (horter time than the Gentiles couldbe taught the whole fubftance of Religion, that knew but little : Therefore as loon as the Jews were convinced of the true Mefliah and the righteoufiiefs of Faith, and con- fented to the Covenant, they might bebaptized. 2. The extraordinary effu- fions ofthe Spirit in that time, did make a fhorter preparation ftdficient. At leaft Baptizing mutt be an addition to the Bishops work. B 4. As