(II) which is gathered is depofitedby the Prefeel or Bifbop, áncdhe helpeth or relieveth thé Orphans and Widows, and becometh the Curator and Guardian of all abfoloetely that be in want. So Ignatius to Polycarp, After the Lord thou fhalt be the Cura- tor of the Widows. And Polycarp himfelffpeaking of the Elders or Bithops, They vifit and take. care of all that are tick,, not negletling the Widows, the Orphans and the Poor. j So far Doétor Hammond. So that by this time it is eafie to fee how great the ancient Churches were ; yea, and how great they were tobe continued ; when all this is the Bithops Office and Work. Weare willing that they have Dioceffes as big as they can do this work in, even with a Confeffus of atlifling Presbyters. There is no one of all thefe twelve alone that a Bithop can do for aDiocefs of many fcore or hundred Churches. How much lefs all thefe fet together ? Nay, what one confiderable Parifh would not find a Bithop with diversaffiftants work enough in all thefe kinds, if it be faithfully done ? As for the doing of it per fe aeot per alleine, I have fo far confuted it before, as that I may be bold to tell' them now, that they may alfo receive the reward infe aut inolio : And if he that will not work thould not eat, qucre whether they fhould eat per alium. Iadd, Ifall thisas Door Hammond maintaineth was made by the Spirit in the Apoftles the Bithops work, if they may make new Church-Officers to commit part of their work to, there may be twelve forts of Officers made by them for thefe twelve parts of their work. And then we (hall better under- fìand them. --Whatever is the work of a Bithop as a Presbyter, every Presbyter may and mutt do, according to his ability and opportunity : But whatever belongeth to a Bifhop as a Bithop, cannot be done by another, either Lay-man or Presby- ter. Therefore let us have but Bithops enough to doit, or elfe confefs that it is no neceßârywork. Sogreat aguff as the Gófpel and mens fouls which Chrift hath committed. to Bithops, may not be cat} upon others without his confent that did commit it to them. But they can thewno cònfent of Chrift to make newOfficers to do their work by. Timothy was to commit the fame to others which he had 're- ceived, 2 Tim.2.2. The thingsthou hall heardofme among manywitnefes, thefame commit thou to faithful men, who fhall be able to teach others alfo. And who knoweth not that if a Tutor commithis'work ftatedly to another, he maketh that other a Tutor ? And fo if a Phyfician commit his work ftatedly to another, or a Pilot, or the Matter ofa- Family, he maketh the other a Phyfician, a Pi- lot, a Matter ? And fo ifa Bifhop or Presbytercommit his work ftatedly to a- nother, he maketh that other aBithop or Presbyter. And then that Bithop or Presbyter fo made is himfelf obliged as well as empowred, and the work that he doth is his own work, and not his that delivered himhis Commiflion. So that this doing thefe twelve parts of aBithops workper alium is a meermocke- ry, unlefs they fpeak unfitly, and mean the makingof all thofe to be Bithops as they are, or elfe by perfidious ufurpation caning their troll and work on others. For if they could prove that God himfelf had inftituted the Species B 2 of