(i4) Pag. 24. [Exifiímo Presi?yteros vel omnes, vel arum plerofque fie ordinates effe ut Epifcopi pariter ac presbyterigradient obtinerent. ] I think that either allor moll of the Presbyters were fo ordained, at that they obtained both the degreeof Blfhop and ofPresbyter. ] Which he proceedeth to thew that he thinkswas done that there might be a !lore of Bifhops prepared for all Countries. Pag. 25. he thus far differs from Door Hammond, but not from the truth, as to hold, that [Flares in eadem Ecclefra velutEphefina Epifcopifuere. ] [ There were many &- fills in one Church, as in that of Ephefus,, Which he taketh for a particular Church, and not a Province ; and faith, that the fimple manners of the Church would then bear this, till Ambition had depraved men, and Charity and Hu- mility and the imitationof Chrift waxed cold : then came that whichHierome fpeaketh of; that For a remedy of Schifm one was chufen out of the company of Presbyters, andfet above the refl. So Pag. 26. In eadem capitapalm ambo conferebantur. And p. 27. Hocfiita tfl, quidaliad reflat nifz atpenes eofdem (Nam plures una in Ecclefra fuif tales, áifdem ex locis argumentum discitur) tam nomen illud duplex, quam convenions no- mini poteffas & anthoritas utraque fuiffe dicatur.] that is [If this befo, what elfe remaineth, but that both the double name, and the agreeable double power and att- thority, bePaid to have been in the fame perfns (for that there were many of them in one Church, may bep rovedfrom the fameplaces.) And Pag. 95,96i97,98,99. he fheweth out of Yuflin Martyr, firft, [That all things in the facredAffemblies and Sacraments were done by the Bop alone and that he was the Curator andModerator both ofthe Sacraments to be adininered, ` andof teaching the people, andof the Churches money. The Bfhop confecrated the Sacraments, and by the Deacons adminiffred them to the people. He prayeth and preacheth. He had the careofthe Church-moneys, and kept them with it he reliev- ed the Orphans, Widows, Sick, Prifoners, Travellers, &c. And fromTertullian, that the Chriftians received not the Sacrament from the bands of any but the Bops. (Were there not then as manyBifhops as Church-Affemblies ?) And that they chiefly didbaptize. And p. 112. he citeth the Can. 7.&B.Concil. Gangrenfis, which anathemati- zeth thofe that without theBifhops confent durffgive or receive the Church Obla- tions, &c. And p. 24r. out of Profiler de vita contempl. c. 20. that a Bithop mutt excel in knowledge, that he may inffruEI thole that live under him. And p. r49, 145, 147. he citeth Can. 3. Coneil..lrelat. 3. an. 813. [That every Bi- Jhop in his own Parifh do perfeelly and fiudioufly teach the Presbyters and all the people, and not negleli to inftruei them.] And Coned. Turonenf. 3. Can. 4. Let every Bifhop diligently fudy byfacredpreaching to inform theflockcommitted to him, what they muß do, and what they muff avoid. AndConed. Rhemenf. 2. Can.14. That Bops preach the Word ofGod to all. And Coneil. Cabilonenf. 3. Can. r. That Bops bediligent in reading, and[earth the myfferies of Gods Word, that theymay Thine by the-brightnefs ofDoElrinein the Church, and ceafe not to fatiate the foulsfubje/t to them, by nutriment ofGods Words.] And p. 147. That in the formulaby which the KingsofFrancecommitted Epifcopacy toany, it is Paid, Ton (hall Rudy bydaily Sermons to edile, or polifh, thepeople committed to you, ac- cording to Canonical-Inffitution. And