(17) more people than communicated at one Altar: To which purpofe he goeth on further to Ignatius Teftimony, of which anon. 4. Bithop Bilfon's Teftimony, Perp. Gov. cap. 13. pag.'256. See after- 4 Bf1Con. ward. 5. Grotius is large in his endeavours to prove, that not only every City had S.Grotius: a Bifhop, but alto every Elated Af(embly, of which there were divers inone and the fame City, and that the Government was not fuited to the Temple way, but to the Synagogues ; and as every Synagogue had its chief Ruler, of which there were many in aCity, fo had every Church in a City its Bithop and that only the Church of Alexandria had the caftan: of havingbut one Bop in the whole City. Thus he de Imper. Sum. Pot. p. 355, 356, 357. And in his Annot. in t Tim. 5. r7. [ Sed notandum eft una urbe, featflares Synagogas, ita pluresfuiff Eccieftas, id e conventus Chriftianorum : cuique Ecclefie fuiffe fie- umprofidem, quipopulism alloqueretur & Prerbyteros ordinaret : Alexandriee tantum eum fuiffe moron, ut anus eft in totaurbe prefer qui ad docendum Prerbyteror per urbem difiribueret, docet nos Sozomenur,1. r. c. 14. & Epiphanies, Vie.] Thus Grotius thought that of old every RatedAffembly had a Whop that had power of Ordination. I confefs I interpret not Zozomennor Epiphanies as Gro- tius doth, nor believe I that he can bring us frequent proof of twoChurches withBithops in one City (much lets many ;) unlefs in Doelor Hammond's in- flame before and after mentioned. But the reff I accept. 6. I may take it for a full Conceffion from Bifhop Jeremy Tailor, which is 6. Bifhop before cited, though in few words ; Pref. Treat. ofRepent. [I amfarewe can- %remy not give account offouls of which we have no notice.] And I am fuze a full Pa- Taslor. rich is as many as a more able and diligent man than ever I was, can take fuch notice ofas to do the Pafiors Office to them. 7. But the lafi and greatefl Champion for Diocefanes is Door Hammond:his 7 Dodor Conceflions are mentioned before ; but now are purpofely to becited : But re- Rammond. member (till that we are yet (peaking but ofthe matter of Fad. In his Annot. in All. rr. 30. he faith, [Although this Title of IIQa61hTEcat Elders, have been alfa extended to a fecond Order in the Church, and now is only in afe for them under the name of Presbyters, yet in the Scripture times it belonged principally, ifnot alone to Bifhopr, there being no evidence that anyof the fecond or- der were then inflituted ; though loon after before the writing of Ignatius Epi/tles there werefach in/tituted inall Churches. (Though fo fuddain a change be unlikely, I pafs it by.) In his Dillrt.p.208, 209, 211. cap. 10. felt. 1 19,20,2e. 6. r I. feei.2.&c. he faith, [ Pritu non eel. quequaque verism efe quad pro conceffo fumitur (in una civitate non fuiffepurer E- pifcopos.) Q,uamvis cairn in una Eccicfia ant calls pluses Jima! Epifeopi nunquam fuerint, niliil tarnen obfiare, gain in cadent civitate duo aliquando difierminati ca- tes fuerint, a deeebus Apoftolie ad fidem adduili, &c. as I have beforemore large- lycited him. C Yea,