C x9l every Lords day : And therefore they midi have a Bifhop, or have no fuch Worfhip. And Doctor Hammond departeth from Petavius in holding that no Church had more Bifhops than one : So that defaîlo he granteth all that I de- fire, r. That the Churches were butfo manyAffemblies having each aBifhop. a. And that no Sub-Presbyters were inftituted in Scripture times. And bywhat right the change was made we [hall enquire anon. CHAP. V. The fame proved by the full Feffimony of Antiquity. TfHat the particular Churches, inneefpeciei vel ordinis, (ofwhich combined Affociated Churches were confituted) were no larger than is before de- fcribed, and had but Vnum Altare, I [hall proveHillorically from Antiquity. I. And Order requireth that I. beginwith Clemens Romanos. But let the Reader 4E11 remember that while I cite him and others oft cited heretofore by many, I do it not to the fame end, as they who thence prove that Bifhops and Presbyters were then the fame ; but to prove the Churches to be but fuch frngle Congregations as are fore-defçribed, Ep. adCorapag. 54, 55. [KaTräxkets aóAc -is 14.I1 h rOVTes ua,9íçovTai cirrecekxs cu ir, Am- /Akron/7-es 7W m t1 /aOCTL eïs ivrtaxóaous r Atauóvous l+.eJ 6VTrav 7Tmçoher1v.]i.e. Per regiones igitur & urbes verbum predicantes, primicias _eorum fpiritu robantes, Ell fcopos &Diaconoscarom qui creditori crane confiituerunt.] Here are thefe con-. current evidences to our purpofe. a. In that he fpeaketh onlyof Bifhops 'and Deacons, and neither here nor elfewhere one fyllable of anyother Presbyters but Bishops, it is apparent that in thofe times there were noSubjet-Presbyters diftina from Bifhops in being Nor could Do6tor Hammond any other way anfwer Blondel here, but by confeffing and maintaining this, and fo expound- ing Clemens as (peakingof Bishops only before other Presbyters were in the Church. And if fo, then there could be none but Churches of Engle Aflèm- blies then, or fuch as oneman could officiate in becaufe there was then no more to do it. 2. In that Cities and Countries are made the Seats of thefe Bifhops : for though fome would make them to be mentioned only as the places where the Apofiles preached, the obvious plain fenfeof the words is connexive ofpreach- ing and conftitutingBifhops : by preaching they made believers in Cities and Countries,and over thofe believers theyplaced Bishopsand Deacons ; which im- plieth it to be in the fame places. And whereas fome would drain the word [X6Eyes] to lignifie Provinces,, nd not Country Villages, it mud then, as diflint from Cities, have meant [many Cities] and fo have Ceded Bejhopsand Arch r C 2 Bifhops,