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(z(3) Birhopr, intimatingSubjea-Presbyters under them : But here is no fuch word or intimation: Yea, when the Countries are made fìrft thePlace of theApoffles preacbing (as they confers) let any impartial man judge whether this be like to he the fenfe [Tbeypreached in Provinces, that is, in the Cities ofProvinces, and in Cities.] . And if there were Country Churches and Bithops fetled by the Aponte's, its eatie to fee that each particular Church-Affembly had a Bithop, when even the City Churches themfelves were no bigger than Petavius and o- thers mention. 3. Ad ominem, Though I believe that the [ T iv WO\cv7WV aiçeú5ìv ] eo- rum qui creditori erant, be intended only to fignifie the fttbfequence ofbelieving to their preaching, yet waving that, to them that fuppofe it to intend the fubfe- quence ofbelieving to making Bithop.r, it mull needs imply that the Churches then confined but of few, and were yet to be filled. up But whether one Bishop to have many Churches is aquestion. which mutt he otherwife andàliunde de- cided; 4. The magnitude oftheChurches is plainly intimated, when he faith p. 57. [ Tht iso AIX-ra -U 9rvras, &c. Covflitutos itaque ab iilis vel deinceps ab aliie vi-- res celebribus cum confenflo universe Ecclefie qui inculpate ovili Chrijti infervierunt, &e.] If the Bilhops were chofenby the Content ofall the Church, it was no greater a Church than wouldand didmeetto lgnifin their confent r and not filch as our Dieceffes noware. 5. Also the fame is intimated by pag. 69. [If it be for me that Contention, Sedition and Schisms arift, .Insill depart, I will be gone whither you will, and will do: what_lhall by the people be appointed ; only letthe SheepfoldofChriff live in peace with the. Presbyters appointedover it. By which words it is evident, that it was filcha particular Ovile or Church, where the Will of thepeople might be decla- red as amatter that bore much fway. Butwho can think that this is fpoken of many Congregations, where the peoples Will could not eafily be figni- fled? 6. And it is farther manifell in that it wasbut for thefake ofone or two that the Church ofCorinth moved this ftdition again the Presbyters (called alto Bi fhops,) pag. 62. Now how many Congregations that Church confifted of where the intereft ofone or two was either fo far concerned or fo powerful, it is eafie to conjecture ;. fet all theft together, and judge impartially. I add (though out offeafon) that it was none of the Apostles meaning, that thole whom theymade Bithops offilch tingle Churches, without a ftbleè Or-. der of Presbyters, should make filch an Order of fubjedPresbyters, andmake themlelves the Bilhops ofa Diocefane Church without anyBilhops under them, For pig. 5'7. he faith, [_find oar AJnJ1les by our Lord Miss Chrt l knew, that con tention would arise about the name of Spifcopacy; and' this caufe being endued withperfeO fore-knowledge, they appointed - them :aforefnt`d, and left theCourfer (or Orders) ofAfter-Min(fers and-Offices defcribed, that other approved men might fie- eeed in the place of the deceafed, and` mightexecute their Offices.] So that it was the fame placesand-ehe fame Officeswhich-thofè ordained'by the ApofiJes had, in which others mull fucceed them, which therefore were.defcribed by the A-- pof}les, andnot intoothers,. To