(22) As for them that fay that many Congregations might per vices come toone Altar to communicate, I anfwer, r. Let them make Churches as big as can thus communicate and fpare not though there be neceffary Chappels or Ora- tories betides. 2. But remember that everyChurch ufed to worthipGod pub- lickly and to communicate, at leaf' every Lords day ; and that there was but One Altar to each Church, and therefore but one Communicating Congre- gation.. -Dofor Stillingfieet in his Schifmatical Sermon is for my Expofition. Objet t. It u meant ofone Species of Altars, and not one Individual. Afm. Then it is meantalfo of one Species of Bithops in each Church, and not of oneIndividual. Objet. Thepratlice of the Churches after fherreththat they tool¿, it notfor a fm, or Schifs, to havefeveral Altars in a Church. Anfm. I. talk of nothing but matter of fall ; it was the note ofOne Church -when thofe Epifles werewritten : whether the Author was midakende jure, or whether after Ages grew wifer, or rather had fewer Bithops and more Al- tars for the fakeof Carnal Intereft, I judge not. The fame Author Epif. adSmyrn. faith [Vbi utique apparet Epifcopus, ibi &multitudo fit : quemadmodum utique ubi eft Chriflus fur, dlic Catholics Eccle- fia: ] as ZIJher's Lat.Tranf. or [aasa íse vicsettTt&] omnis exercitus code- flit. And the Context theweth that this multitudo or plebs is the Church which the Bithop.overfeeth. Therefore ubi Epifcopus ibi Ecctefza fuit, and fo every Church had a prefent Bithop, So in EpifI. adMagneer he bids them [All unitedly (or as one) run together to one Temple ofGod, as to one Altar, to one Jefus Chrift.] So,that every Church had one Temple and one Altar to which (as anote of their Union inChrift) the whole Church mud unanimoufly come. So in Epp. adTrull. he faith [Et Epifcopus typumDei Patris omniumgent ; Presbyteri verofant confeffus quidam, & confun'2us Apoflolorum cants; fine his Eccle- fa.EleIla non eft : Nulla finehis San&orum Congregatio ; nulla SanirorumColleilio. Etpolka, quid vero aliud Sacerdotium eft (vel Presbyterium) quam facer crews, Conciliarü& afef f res Epifeopi ? &uid Diaconi, &c.] So that it is hard more . plainly to exprefs à thing in words, than this Author expreffeth,that not only defallo ¿very dated worthipping communicating Congregation had their Bi- thop,Presbyters andDeacons, but that dejure it ought tobe fo And that there was no lawful Church Affembly for Worthip, without theBithop and his Presbyters ordinarily ; and one Altar and one Bithop were the Notes of one Church. And Epd. ad Polycarp. [Siepe Congregations fiant : ex nomine omnes quere .: fervor & ancillas ne defßicias (ut Tranf. Lat. Vfh.) i. e. Keep often Congregations : Enquire (or look after) all (or every one) by name : defpife not the Servants and the Maids.) And how many Congregations at once that Church then had,or how great it was, when the . Bithop himfelf was to look after every one by name, even the Men-fervants and the Maids, I .leave.. "to their judgmentswho are wit-. ling to underrlìand .the truth.: Since