(23). Since the writing of this (about thirteen years) I have feen 7faac VoIus his Florentine Ignatius, Edit. a. and alfo had fome fpeech with Bifhop Gunning, confidently denying that by '6 9 /7fotv ípjtov is meant one material Altar or place ofCommunicating : I will therefore review the Textsof Ignatius accor- ding to IfaacVofur, and anCwer this Bifhops confident affertion. I. Epáf. ad Smyrn.p; 4. rTev'(es Wit') éatastóvro) xstoXe9c?Te, &c. Omnes E- pihopum fequimini ut lefts Chriftus Patrem ; & Presbyterium ut Apoftolos ; Dia- cons autem revereamini utDei mandatum. Nullus fineEpifcopo aliquidoperetur eo- rum qu.e convenient in Ecclefiam : Illafirma Gratiarum ac`iio (euxcee,Gçix) repute- tar, quafub ipfo ell, vel qua n utique ipfe eonceferit : ubi utique apparet Epifcopus, Wie multitudo fit : quemadmodum utique ubi eft lefus Chrifttu illic Catholica Eccle- fia : Non licitum e fine EpJiopo neque baptizare, neque agapen facere. Here it is evident, r. That by 71 1.40@-', the Multitude,1 is meanttheail fembling multitude, and not diliant peoplemanymiles off. 2. That by cpavé apparet, is meant the perfonal vifible appearingprefence... of the Bithop. And fothat every Church-Affembly had a prefent Bifhop or- dinarily. 3. That by áuXae eçia, is meant theChurches. joyful'iaudatory Commu- nion, of which the Lords Supper was a chief part. And fo that the Euchari(V wasufually celebrated with and by theBifhop, and never but by his particular allowance to the Presbyters ; not only a generafallowance to do it commonly as Parith Prieflsdo without him, but to do it in his Affembly either in cafe of- his abfence, or need, oras atliflinghim. 4 That by T o'cvss ifwv e-is TàJv imaitetav is meant the matters andperfons bf' the particular Affembly : And fo that every fuch Affembly had a prefent Supera vifor or Bithop. T. That by chtsX sÓa'e, ismeant a local goingwhither he goeth, and anió. mitation of him as prefent ; and fo that they had his vifible pretence. 6. That the prohibition of baptizing and-holding their.Love-feafting Meet- ings without him, fignified not only ['without hirgo lleral licence at a dance;] . but as no Servants mull do great matters in the houfe without the Mailer, fo it" implieth here his ordinary prefence and particular approbation of the Tingle perfons fitnefs for Baptifm, and his conduó of their Love-feafls, and his.al< lowance in cafe ofneceffary abfence. 7 That the fame Altemblies hada Bifhop; Presbyters and 'Deacons. For the fame multitude is to follow the fame Bifhop, Presbyters and Deacons: And how could one Pariah follow all the Presbyters of all'other ParifhChurches ofa.. Diocefs whom they never knew? And it is certain thatit was the fameChurch that the Presbytery and. Deacons herementioned had': But Deacons wereappro- priated only todingle Churches, and the people. of one Parifh-Affembly, were not to follow or obey the Deacons ofall other diflant PàrithChurches. 8: And after he faith, [ Saluto Deo dignum Epifcopum, & Deo decens Pres- byterium , & confirms mess Diacsnos & fingillatim &'' communiter omnes. ]" Which plainly fignifieth that 'it was the fame City Church in Smyrna that.