(2 5) 3. After pág. zo. he praifeth them for being [confonant in Vnity with the Bifhop, " Forif anybe not within the Altar, he is deprived of the Bread of God : "For if the prayer ofoneor two havefogreat force, how much more that which is of " the Bithop and all the Church ? He therefore that comet?: not to the fame, itproud " and condemneth himfelf. And by how muchyou fee the Biifhop filent,reverence him " the more : for we muff receive every one that the Lordof the houfe fendeth, as him " that fern him : you muff therefore look, upon the Bithop manife (or vifibly prefent) «as to the Lord. Onefimus praifethyour Divine Order.] Here it is plain that it was a Church where many, yea all the Church joyned prefentially in prayer with theBithop, which a thoufand Parifhes (nor two) do not. 4. It was aChurch where the Bithop was feen by all when he was filent ; and fo reverenced for his filent prefence. 5. It wasa Church, which they that wilfully abfented themfelves from were felf-coñdemned : But a man can be but in one Parifhat once. 6. It was a Church where they might all fee 76v iiríaznrov d' Nov,. the Bi- (hop manifef, that is, Perfpicuum, vifible. 7. It was a Church whereall that had the Sacred Bread were { within the Altar,] that is, the one Sacrarium, or place of communicating in theEu- charift. S. And this was their iu;afía, the Order of theirAffembly. After pag. 25. he faith [ " Haften therefore to aff'emble frequently, for the Eu- " char f (or thanksgiving) of God, andfor Glory : For when you oft meet for the " fame thing,the powers of Satan are deftroyed, andhis perdition loofa in the concord " ofyour faith.] g. Here it is plain that it was a Church that ufed to meet together for the Eucharift ; manifefting therein the concord of the faith of all the Church. And after pag. 29. he faith, [ " Becaufe they who according to Man, do all by "ninemeet commonly in Grace in one faith, and in 3efus Chr, inyour obeying the " Bithop, and Presbytery, with an undivided mind, breaking one bread, &c.] so. Here it is fgnifed that theBithop and Presbytery were all prefent as Guides in one Affembly, whichwas that Church which they fupervifed. r r. And that it was fuch aChurch that brake one Bread, profeffing one a faith, in prefence, with undivided minds. So plainly Both this Epifile decide our controverfie. IV. Thenext Epiftle is Ad Magnefios. Inwhich he faith, " Canto Ecclefias " in quibus Vnionem oro Garnis & Spiritus. Vnion of Flefh fignifleth local Corn- " munion. 2. Pag. 31. he faith, [ " /am dignified tofee you by Dama your Bithop wor- thy of God, and the worthy Presbyters Baifus and tipollonius, and my fillets. " Servant Sotion the Deacon, whom I enjoy becaufehe is fubjeel to the Bilhop end " Presbytery, &c.] By which words it is plain that thisChurch which had aBithop, Presbytery and Deacon, was a Parochial Church that had prefential Communion with then, cadnot as our Dioceffes. D 3. Pag.