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(26) 3. Pag. 33. Having mentioned the Bifhop he faith, [ " Becaufe in th afore- "Paidperfons Ibehold all the multitude, infaith and love Iwarn you, firstly to do " all in thexoncord of God, the Bithop prefiding in the place ofGod, and the Presby- " ter: in theftead of theConfeffion of the Apoftles, and the Deacons, &c. Which fi eweth that it was a. Church where Bifhop, Presbyters and Deacons fate together in prefence. 4. And after it's faid, [ " Let therebe nothing amongyouwhichmay divide (or "feparate)you ; but be united to the Bifhop and Prefidents, &c. Which fheweth the fame prefent Prefidency as aforefaid. 5. Pag. 33. He repeateth [without the Bifhop and Presbyters do nothing) which i no reafon can nterpret of any Presbyters but the prefent. So 6. Pag. 34. [ " Let nothing elfe feem reafonable proper to yourfelves ; but " one Prayer for the fame thing, one deprecation, one underftanding, one hope in love and undefiledjoy.] Which importeth theirprefent Communion in Prayer and Profe(fion. 7. He addeth, [ "All ofyou run (or meet) together into one Temple of God, " as toone Altar.] This needeth only an impartial Reader, and it's plain. 8. And pag. 37. [" With your worthily honoured Bithop, and the worthily " Complexe Spiritual Crown ofyour Presbytery, and the Deacons, &c.] Where noPresbyters are mentioned but the Bifhops Presbytery which fate about him . in the Church, called the Complexe Corona. g. He addeth ut renio fit carnalis & fpiritualis, that is, of prefent bodies and of minds. V. The next is the Epifile to the Philadelphians : where praifing them for 'their union with their Bithop as the firings of a Harp, he faith, [ " Study there- "fore to ufe one Euchari(f (or Thankfgiving) that is, to joyn all together in the " Euchariftical Communion :) For there is tine Flefh of our Lord J fus Chr , " and one Cup (that is, which is there Sacramentally reprefented and given) in- " to Vnion ofbis Blood, one Altar, and one BJhop, with the Presbytery and the " Deacons myfellow Servants ; that whatyou do, you maydo according to God.) Here oneChurch is notified in its Unity by thefe marks. a is That they all joyn in one Af]'emblyfor the Eucharift. Which fignifieth one Body Blood ofChrift. 2. And that there be one Altar for this Commu- nion. 3. And one Bifhop. 4. And one Presbytery with his Deacons with:. him. But here Bifhop Gunning faith, It is not meant of onematerial Altar. Anfw. a. It muít be noted that (as Klafter Mede and others have obferved) ,9usias>'e,t,ov is ufed in Church Writers for the Chancel, Sacrarium, or place where the Altar flood, as well as for the Altar it felf : Into which place the Communicants only were admitted ; to which form our Chancels are made. 2. And tobe intra Altare is ufually meant of beingone admitted to that Eu- ehariflicalCommunion. 3. And though as we give the Sacrament in private . houles to the tick, and.have Chappels for the weakand difiant, fo might forre. great Churches then, andyet have but one Chancel, Altar or place for the Corr-