(28) Presbyters) He that is within the Altar is clean; and he that is -without the Altar is not'clean ; that is, he that dotb any thing (in the Church) without the &;loop, Presbytery and Deacon, is not clean in Confcience which plainly theweth that e- very Church-Affembly had a guidingBithop, Presbytery. and miniftringDea- con. 3. Pag. 52. he faith, [I falute you from Smyrna with the Churches ofGod, which are prefent with me :. He had not then the practice of many Dioceffes nor were Bithops alone ufed then to be called Churches : Therefore they were Church-Affemblies which he vifited, and were with him, and about him. ¢. Again herepeáteth, [ Befubje5t to the Bifhop and Presbytery, and love one another with an infeparable heart.] Which bath the fenfe aforefaid. VII. In the Epifile to the Romans, the words ofthe Church.prefiding:in lo- cho chori Romanorum is much fpokenof already by many. The Epiftles afcribed to him have much of the like kind.; as Epif.,ad7ar- fenfes, pag.80. AdAntiochenos, pag. 86, 87, 88. The PJ'iff. ad"HeroismDiaconum calleth the Presbyters of Antioch Bithops who baptize, facrifice and impofe hands. So Epiff. ad Philippenfes, pag. 112. Ifafter all this evidence from Ignatius any will wrangle, let him wrangle : what wordscan be plain enough for fuch ? And what a blind or blinding pra- &ice is it, which too manyWriters for Prelacy have ufed ? to pretend Igna- tins to be for them, who is fomuch and plain againfl them ? And to tots about the nameof a Bithop and Presbytery, as if all that was faid for a Parochial Bi- Chop and Presbytery(that is,in a Church affociated for perfonal prefential Corn- munion)were fpokenfor fuch a DiocefanePrelacy as putts h down and. deitroy- eth all fuch Churches, Bithops and Presbyteries. And what falthood is it toperfwade the World that we are agáinif Epifcopa- cy becaufe we would have every Church to have a Bithop, and wouldnot have all the Churches inEngland except Diocefane, tobeunchurched and turnedinto Chappels or Oratories ? When yet we refute not to fubmit to more general - Overfeers of many Churches, to fee that. the Patlors do their duty, and coon- fel andexhort themto it, whether appointed hereto by the Magifirate, or the content and choiceof many Churches. IV. Muffin Martyr'sTeflimony is trite, but moll plain, andnot to bq eva- ded. 'EOrofot 71e06-cpígofai, &c. Poflea fratrumprepofIto panic & poculum offer- _ tar Pofiquam prepofitus gratias egit totufque populusfaufia omnia acclamavit ;, qui inter nos Diaconi vocantur dant unicaique parterapanic& calicis dilati¡alter quos falda efi gratiarum allio, atqueetiam toferre finunt abfentibus Die folis urbano rum ere rufficanorum cceturRunt, abi Apoftolorum prophetarumque litere quadfteri poteff preleguntur: Ceffante Lelore Prepofitus verbsfacit adhortatoria Poffhee confurgunt omnes &preces o f ferimue : quibusftnitisprofértur panic, vinum& aqua : 7umprepofitus quantum potefi preces offert, & gratiarum.alliones : Plebs vero A- men accinit. Inde confecrata dii tribuuntur ftngulis,& abfentibus niittoenturper Dia- conos a_