( 33) VII. And here I think I may feafonably cite the Conftitutions caüed Apo- ftolical , whichif not written by Clement, wed"certainly for the molt part of them very ancient, as being before Athanafth who mentioneth them. And the Learned and Sober Alba¡fineus, Obferv. Lib. r. p. 38. faith, [Deconftituti- onibus iftis nemini dubium ofe debet, quinprobus juxta â antiques liber fit ; certa- sueafirraare poffrsm trecenttsprimis eo eccleftam Græcam, tanquam rituali & Ponti- ficali ufam effe ; .Quique ear attente legerit, cadent de illit que de canonibus judi- cabit, eidditaz, viz. decurfu temporum primis novas, quemadmodum & nove leger & conflitutiones in rejimine Ecclefie, novas occafionibus enatia, faé¡efunt.] that though they were not written by Clement or the Apoftles, yet they were that Summa- ryofApoftolical or.ChriftianDifcipline, which the Gree&Churches muchufed for the firft three hundred years ; and that Additions were made by degrees. But I cite them for nothing but the Hiftory, wherein they are of great account to acquaintus with the ¡late ofthe Church in thofc times. Lib. 2. cap. 18. It is laid, that [Omnium Epifcopus curam habeat, & eorum gui non peccarunt, ut non peccent, & eorumqui in peccatirfuns, ut peccaffe pceniteat: ait enim Dominus, Videte ne contemnatit unsern ex pufillis dlis. Item pienitentibus condonare'\oportet peccata. &uocirca curam omnium fufcipe tanquam rationem de pluribus redditurus : Ac fanas quidem conferva, lapfos vero mone, qui in jeju- niopremens, leva in remilone, & eumqui luxit recipe, cunlia Ecclefia pro eo depre- cante, &c.] And muchmore works he adds : Whereby it appeareth that the Bifhoprick was no greater than that he could take a perfonal care of every'mem- ber, over the meaneü, found and unfound : And that it was one Affembly where all did intercede for the reftoringof the Penitent. So cap. 20. opening the Bi(hop's duty to the Laity, he repeateth, Omnes moisent, omnes increpan:, &c. And ibid. Medice ergo Ecclefia Domini adhibeme- dicinam cuique egrotantiumconvenientem : Omnibus modis cura, fana, fat-iv: fanon reticle Ecclefie ; pafce gregem, nonper vim, neque imperiofe, cum ludibrio & defpetlu quaff dominatum tenor, fed tanquam bonus pallor in flaunt ac complex= agnos congrega Er ovesgravid; hartare. And it concerneth them to knowwell what they do, for cap. 2. Scitote quad qui emu, qui injuriam nonfecit, ejicit, aut qui fe convertit non recipit, fratrem fuum occidit, & fanguinem ejus fudit, ficut Cain fanguinem fratriefui fudit ; cujus fanguir, qui adDeum clamas, requiretur. Similiter eveniet ei qui ab Epifcopo fus finejuta caufafuerit excommunicatus : Iui tanquampetiferum ejicit eum qui of ex- tra culpam, is quidem fevior e(1 interfellore. Violentior of ipfo homicida qui corpus perimit,i: qui innoeentem ex ecclefia ejicit. Et cap. 25. Oportet ut qui in Ecclefia ofdati f sent earEcclefia alat (viz. Penti ft- cem, Sacerdote:, Levitas.) where the Affembly is the Church which maintain, eth theBithop and Presbyters. And cap. 26. It is the Bishop that to all the Church is, Miniffer Verbi, entie cullos, Mediator Dei &vefrum in ii: que ad Burn colendumpertinent (that is, officiateth in Church Wor(hip: ) hic eft magifer pietatis ac religioni: ; hic of fe- ctendum Deumpater vefter, qui vos per aquam Spiritum fantlutn regeneravit, &c. E Epif-