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(34) Epifcopus igitur voÏ;is præfideat, ut dignitate Pei cohoneffatús, quaclerum fub pote- ffatefora tenet, & toti populo preelf, Viaconus vero affrat belie, &c. So,that a Bifhops Church was no greater than that he could be the confiant Teacher, Guide, Baptizer, &c. of them all. And cap. 27. All the Oblations were to be brought to the Bifhop himfelf, by tiïemfelves that offered, or bythe Deacons. Immo primitias guogue& deci- mar & qu:e fponte offerunteer ; 1s enim probe novit affliElos & cuique tribuit, ut con- gruit ; ne quit eadem die aut eadem bebdomade bis aut fepius accipiat, alius vero nihil penitus. So that the reafon why all the Offerings, Tythes and Gifts in his whole Diocefs werebrought to the Bifhophimfelf was, becaufe he was well acquainted with all the Poor of his Diocefs, and was every day to relieve them, and fee that one did not receive twice the fameday,or the fame Week,and ano- ther have none. Howmany hundred Churches think you had a Church then in theBelly of it ? and how large wasfuck a Diocefs ? And cap. 28. In their Love-Feafis'the Bifhop was to have always his fpecial part of theFeafi, even fent him if he were abfent. Sure if his Diocefs had fix hundred or a thoufand Parifhes and as manyFeafis, and force of them as far off as I am from the Cathedral Church (about fourfcore Miles) it will cofi more the Carriage of the Bifhop's Supper than it is worth , and it will be cold, and it is well if it flink not by the way. And the Presbyters that were all to have a double portionalfo of the Feaft, are called tanquam Confiliarii Epifcopi érr Ecelefi.e Corona, funt ením Confilium& Senators Ecclefiæ. So that it was but one City Congregationyet that had Bifhops and Presbyters and Deacons, &c. And in cap. 3o. and many Chapters there is mentioned often the Bifhops doing all without any help fave the Deacons, which would make one think that defaélo Doélor Hammond was in the right, and that fore of theConfli- tutions were written when in moll Churches there was no, Presbyters with the Bifhop but Deacons only. Cap. 32. If the Deacon knew any to bepoor, hemull tell the Bifhop, and do nothing without him. How large was this Diocefs ? cap. 34. This Bilbop mutt be loved as a Father, feared as a King, honoured as a God, offering him our Fruits and the works of our hands for his Bleflìng ; giving him as God's Prieft our First-fruits, Tythes, FirR-fruits of Corn, Wine, Oyl, Apples,. Wool, and all that God thall give us.] Was all this carried him from many hundred Parifhes, many fcore Miles ? And cap. 36. The Bifhop's Church was no farther offthan that all the Mem- bers were to come to it in the morning before they went to any work, andat Evening when they had done. How big was this Diocefs ? Cap. 44. The Deacon is tobe the Bishop's Eye, and Ear, and Mouth, and to helphim,that he may notbe overwhelmed with his work ; If he hada thou- fand fubjebl Presbyters, one Deacon's help only would not have been named. Cap, 56. The Bithop is to fie that this Deacon (peak Peace to every one that entreth into the Church to worfhip. Which implyeth that he was pre- Lent in the Church. Cap. 57. The defcription of a Church Order is, that the Bishop's Seat be inn