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t36Ì 7gnatius's time : and that they all lived on the fame Altar, together with the reft of the Gifts of the Church, Yid. &Can. 58. TheCan. 32. faith, [Siquis Presbyter contemnensEpifcopum fuum, feorjmcol logorit & altare aliuderexerit, nihil habens quo reprehendat Epifcopum in caufa pie- tatis, aut juffitie, deponatur, quaff principatus amator exiffens.--- Kee autempo¡i unam & fecundaní & tertiam Epifcopi obfecrationemfieri come/fiat:] The fame is in theCan. 5. Conch. Antioch. And to fet up aliud Altare, dr Altare contraAl- tare is the Phrafe ufed then by many Writers; and Councils, to lignifie a di- viding and feparating from the Church, and fettingup an Antichurch ; All which fheweth that then a Bishops Churchhad but one Altar. IX. Dionyfars (whoever or whenever hewrote) doth fo defcribe theBishops workas fheweth that he had butone Church and Presbytery to anft him. Cap. 4. de EccleJ: Hier. he tells us that [The Prefeli did baptize thofe that were con- verted,] and the Presbyters and Deacons did but affill him : And it is a very long manner ofbaptizing which he there defcribeth, andall the Church were called together to it, and.joyned in it. And this was in times when the Infidels were to be brought in, and converted, acidbaptized at Age, where Examina- tions, Profefiions. and Circumftances made it fo long a work, as this alone would have proved his Church to be no greater than aforefaid : much. more with the rest ofthe work which he defcribeth. X. But Councils give the fureft teftimonies to fuck matter of faá : Con- ed. Agath. Can. 4. Siquit etiamextra Parochial, & ubi legitimus eft ordinari- ufque conventur, Oratorium habere voluerit, reliquie feftivitatibus ue ibi mil fam audiat, propter fatigationem familia, jufta ordinatione permittimus. Paf- cha vero, Natali Domini, Epiphania, Afcenfione Domini, Pentecofie, & natali San&i Johannis Baptift.e, e fiqui maxime dies, in fefiivitatibus habentur, non nift in civitatibus, aut Parochias audiant. This being decreed fo late, when Chriftians were increafed in the Countries, alloweth them, to avoid wearinefs in travellingwith their Families too far, tohave Chappels or Oratories in the remote parts of the Country (but fo that they come all to the.City or.Parifh Church on all the greateft Feftivals.) Which theweth.that then the Church was but one Affembly whichall could joynin to hear the word. And that eadi ofthefe City and Parifh Churches had a Bithop oftheir own; is apparent in what followeth, [Can. 30. Beneditjionem fuper plebem in Ecclefis fundere' ant peenitentem in Ecclefia benedicere, Presbytero penitns non licebit ; that is, [It fhall not at all be lawful.for aPresbyter to pronounce the Bleffing on thepeople in the Church, or to Heft a Penitent in the Church.] Now thefe being (or one at least) performed in every Church. Affembly, when a forbidden to do them, it is implied that a Bishop was prefent to do. it himfelf : and,fo that every communicating Affembly had a. Bishop. And it's laid, Can.3 r. Alasdie Dominicofecularibits total audirefpedali ordine frecipimus ; ita ut ante benedtdfionem facerdotis egredi populus non prafumat, quod fecerit, ab Epifcopopublice confundatur._ So that, there mull be a dailÿ pronun- ciation