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(3g) only to fuch Villages and (mall Cities where one Presbyter was enough : _ But theyallowed a Bishop to the Cities. [*ue Epzfcopos habuerunt, erdique tam popoelofa eJt Civitas vel Locus (mark Locos as diftind from Civitas) qui mereatur habere Epifcopum.] So that if there were butpeople enough for more than one Presbyter, they allowed them aBishop. And Can. 14. It is decreed that, [ As no Lay-man muff 'be above three Weeks from Church, fo no Bilhop from his oran Church at another place.] Whereas ifa Bishop have many Churches, or many hundred, or a thoufand, he could be but at one in a Year, or two, or three, or more, if he did nothing but travel from parish to Parifh. Only in the next Canon, thofe that have Farms or Lands in the Country are difpenfed with for three Weeks to be abfent from their own Churches, fo they go toanother. XV. In the Epiftle of the r. Coned. Nic. adEcclef. Ægypt. (in Crab.peg. :262. T r.) Presbyters were tobe made, [Solummodo fivideantur digni,.6 po- pulus eos elegerit, condecernente fimul & deignante maxime Alexandria Civitatis Epifcopo.] Still the people that had the choice were no more than could meet tochufe. And even in the ArabickCanonsafcribed to this Council by fome of lateit's faid,Can.72. Sic Epifcopi & Sacerdotesft Civitatesfues e Aleariapropter alia ma- jorarelinquerent, malefacerent ; which (hews that each City even then had but one Altar or Meeting for Sacramental Communion : though when there werewrit- ten, there were other Churches in Villages that hadAltars. And in Pifan. Can. 57. Archipresbyter in abfentia Epifcopi honoretur tanquam Epifcopus, quia eft loco ejus, & fit caput Sacerdotum qui ub potefiate ejus funt in Et- clefia. The Bithop then was but fuch a Headof Priefis in the fame Church, as an Arch-Presbyter might be in his abfence. AndCap. 9. The Vote of the whole Diocefs without the Arch-bifhop (hall not ferve to chufe a Bilhop, though all gathered together. XVI. The Conch!. Vafenfe granted leave for Presbyters to preach and Dea- cons to read Homilies in Country Parifhes, which iheweth both that Bïfhops were the ordinaryPreachers to their wholeFlocks before, and that thefe Pa- xithes were yet but new, and perhaps but Chappels that yet hadnot Altars and the Lord's Supper. XVII. Binnius in Concil. Ephef. 1. To. 2. cap. 20. faith, [Dalmatius told theEmperor that there werefix thoufand Bifhops under the Metropolitan fent to the Council that were againft Neftorius ; ] And there was a great number on the o- ther fide with Phan. Antiochen. who caft out Cyril and Memnon. Howgreat think you were thefeBishops Diocefes ? XVIII. Concil.Carth.3. cap.39 es. 40. (in Crab) fome would have had many (twelve) Bishops at eachBishop's Ordination ; but Aurelius defired it might be but three, becaufe [Crebro &peneper diem Dominicum-ordinations habemus,] they had